Morning report. 1995-08-31

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Broadcast Date
31 Aug 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Janice Aplin
0700 NEWS BOSNIA - UN/NATO attacks on strategic Bosnian Serb positions around Sarajevo designed to encourage Serbs to negotiate, but Serbs fighting back with missiles and have downed French Mirage jet. I/v with UN spokesman Chris Gunness. (Mng Rpt); combatants reeling from size of NATO operation. (Jonathan Schwass) NUCLEAR TESTS - leading yacht in protest flotilla, "Tryptych" meets up with "Tui" at Mururoa. Live i/v with TVNZ reporter on board, Liam Jeory. INTEREST RATES - AK Chamber of Commerce says business confidence shaken by Reserve Bank driving up rates. BNZ, Postbank, ANZ, and Westpac have raised home lending rates by half a percent and Westpac also raised farm and business lending charges. Comment from Federated Farmers president Graham Robertson. (Mark Torley); live i/v with Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans. WOMEN'S CONFERENCE - over 20,000 delegates mass in Beijing's Olmpic stadium for opening ceremonies of NGO forum. Diana Burns reports it was logistical nightmare getting everyone there.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS NUCLEAR TESTS - French minister for Overseas Territories, Jean Jacques de Pereti, in Tahiti, says those protesting against tests are focussing on wrong issue; live i/v with correspondent Jo Andrews. WEYMOUTH CENTRE - AK child psychiatrist Prof John Werry says he can understand Weymouth teachers being afraid of the children in their care. Teachers say they'll strike until they feel they can return to school in safety, after several violent incidents there. (Lydia Monin) NEW ZEALAND RAIL defends move to pay some staff bigger bonuses than others. Workers who went on strike earlier in year are to get less than those who didn't. Comment from NZ Rail's Richard White and Ross Wilson, Maritime and Transport Union. (Cushla Managh) CHILD SUPPORT - Inland Revenue in Whangarei takes out trespass orders against angry fathers who've discovered their pay is being docked to provide child support payments for their families. Live i/vs with Whangarei District Commissioner for Inland Revenue, Kevin Knight, and Bruce Tichbon, spokesman for FARE, Families Apart Require Equality.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER BOSNIA - NATO bombing campaign not just limited response to mortar attack on Sarajevo but concerted western effort to force Serbs to negotiate on current US peace initiative. I/v with Mike Palachak, Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. (Jonathan Schwass) BOSNIA - NZ Red Cross nurse in Sarajevo, Philippa Parker, says locals welcome UN/NATO air strikes against Serbs but not expectant as there have been air raids before with little effect on Serbs. (Mng Rpt) PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES NATIONAL ARCHIVES - Labour's Finance spokesman Michael Cullen says if Archives' management is privatised it could be, disaster for nation's records. (Mng Rpt); live i/v with Internal Affairs chief exec Dr Roger Blakeley. REGIONAL NEWS
0830 NEWS/SPORTS TENNIS - live i/v with correspondent Judy Lessing on US Open. AIR NEW ZEALAND - officially announced that Queen wil fly with airline to AK for CHOGM. Understood that Queen's first ever trip in commercial jet will save about $700,000. Live i/v with Air NZ spokesman David Beatson. TAGGING - Waitakere mayor Bob Harvey, anti-graffiti crusader, says Judge Barry Morris taking wrong tack when he says he'd like to see taggers hanged. (Alexia Russell) RUGBY UNION - Pacific Island natons worried about how scrapping of amateur regulations will affect game in their countries, suggestions they may have to combine to compete internationally. Western Samoa's technical advisor Bryan Williams agrees poaching could be a problem. (Stephen Hewson) COMMENT NORTHERN IRELAND - first anniversary of ceasefire. Live i/v with correspondent Niall Martin. FRUIT AND VEG REPORT with Jack Forsythe.