Morning report. 1995-09-01

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Broadcast Date
01 Sep 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Janice Aplin
0700 NEWS NUCLEAR TESTS - countdown begins to first French test in Pacific for more than 4 years. Rumours circulating in Tahiti that first blast could be detonated today. Gyles Beckford live; live i/v with Lt Col Yves Bourboulon of the French navy communications centre on Mururoa. BOSNIA - second day of NATO airstrikes against Serb targets. Sarajevo quiet. (BBC); Prof John Alcock, Bradford Univ Yugoslav Studies dept says airstrikes may have saved Bosnian Serbs from defeat in larger war. He's i/ved live. NUCLEAR TESTS - live i/v with Paris correspondent Joe Schumann about pressure on French govt over the tests and chances of change of mind. ARSON - police searching for arsonist plaguing WN suburb of Karori make arrest but believe the man is not the Karori arsonist although he had been setting fires in nearby suburb of Wilton. (Kiri Coughlan)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS PAPEETE preparing for weekend of international protest as deadline for nuclear tests is reached. Anti-nuclear campaign rally underway, as is anti-colonialist demonstration. Live i/v with Kim Hill. NORTHERN IRELAND - nationalist supportes preparing for celebrations of 1st anniversary of IRA ceasefire. British and Irish PMs to meet next week to discuss peace talks and establishment of international commission to oversee disarmament of paramilitary organisations. Live i/v with correspondent Niall Martin. ALIENS - controversial documentary "The Roswell Crash - Aliens Revealed" shown on NZ television, calims alien craft landed in New Mexico in 1947 and that US military covered up story. Documentary includes footage of alleged alien supposedly undergoing autopsy. I/v with producer John Purdie, Union Pictures re whether it's elaborate hoax. (Mng Rpt); live i/v with Dr Felke de Bock, NZ Skeptics Society, who's spent years studying UFO phenomena. ART EXHBITION of Australian colonial and impressionist art opens at AK City Art Gallery. Live i/v with gallery director Christopher Johnson.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES NUCLEAR TESTS - protest flotilla grouping around Mururoa. Most of the crews got together on "Rainbow Warrior". Live i/vs with Don Rood who was at the meeting and with Mark Crysell on board "Tui". NUCLEAR TESTS - 6 NZ MPs fly to Tahiti today to join politicians from 40 other countries in protesting against tests. Foreign Affairs ministry concerned because march is also protesting against French colonial rule. Live i/v with Winston Peters and Nick Smith who are both going. NUCLEAR TESTS - live i/v with Greenpeace campaigner Stephanie Mills on "Rainbow Warrior" about search for clues as to when and where tests likely to be carried out. REGIONAL NEWS
0830 NEWS/SPORTS ILLEGIBLE REGIONAL SERVICES TRUST recommends to govt that city's water and waste water industry be run by single company. Trust chair Chris Leitch and Local Government minister John Banks comment. (Lydia Monin) INDIA - Chief Minister of Punjab, Beant Singh, assassinated. I/v with correspondent Ranjan Gupta. ART EXHBITION - a look around the Australian exhibition with Phil Kafcaloudes, who opened it, and Mike Hosking COOK ISLANDS journalist, Jason Brown of Cook Islands Press, banned from attending media conference organised to mark visit of NZ Foreign Affairs minister Don McKinnon. Jason Brown broke the story of the letters of guarantee which embarassed govt. He's i/ved live. WOMEN'S CONFERENCE - first full day of activities at NGO forum. Diana Burns reports a lot of interest in NZ's display. ART EXHIBITION - further look around with Phil Kafcaloudes and Mike Hosking a the AK City gallery. COMMENT NUCLEAR TESTS - more on activity around Mururoa with Don Rood and Mark Crysell illegible.