Morning report. 1995-09-13

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Broadcast Date
13 Sep 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS SOUTH KOREA - NZ diplomatic row over refugee application by former Korean diplomat Choi Seung-Jim leads to South Korea recalling ambassador. Live i/v with former diplomat Terence O'Brien, VUW Centre for Strategic Studies; live i/v with Foreign Affairs minister Don McKinnon. WORLD COURT - hearing on French nuclear testing concludes, with both France and NZ required to answer in writing certain questions of technical nature by end of week. France has accused NZ of falsely playing on public fears of nuclear contamination. Comment from Attorney General Paul East. (Wayne Brittenden) NUCLEAR TESTS DEBATE - PM Jim Bolger debates issue of French testing live on French-German cable television channel ARTE. Other participants are French Defence minister Charles Millon, former Defence minister Paul Quiles, and Defence spokesman for Germany's Christian Democrats, Friedbert Pfluger. (act); live i/v with Paris correspondent Lynne Terry and Political editor Karen Fisher.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS CAVE CREEK INQUIRY examines role of emergency services in rescue operation. (Clare Sylvester); live i/v with Lynn Hannen, father of Stephen, the most critically injured of the survivors. BABY SALE - Napier woman claims she sold her baby for $10,000 to AK couple after unwanted pregnancy. VUW law lecturer Bill Atkin says very few prosecutions in NZ for selling babies. (Kiri Coughlan); live i/v with Grant Gillet, prof of medical ethics at Otago Medical School. FATAL ACCIDENT - reason for Mohaka River housebus crash beginning to be discovered. Comment from Sgt Alan Monk and Snr Sgt John Lovatt, Napier police, and television cameraman Simon Nixon who was first at scene. (Stephen Hewson) PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES
0800 NEWS/WEATHER NUCLEAR TESTS DEBATE - PM Jim Bolger points out environmental dangers of continued testing. (act); live i/vs with Paris correspondent Lynne Terry and Political editor Karen Fisher. CHE ACCOUNTABILITY - MP Michael Laws says he wants to make hospitals more accountable, wants auditor general to be able to scrutinise the millions spent by the crown health enterprises, because he believes CHEs are ripe for corruption and mismanagement. Campaign gaining momentum. (Cushla Managh) WOMEN'S CONFERENCE - reports that NZ govt made officials and several NGO representatives to UN conference sign declaration they wouldn't speak to media about conference events without permission of Women's Affairs minister Jenny Shipley who headed delegation. Not all delegates asked to sign. (Diana Burns) GOLDEN SHEARS Society plans to erect monument in time for next year's world championships in Masterton but some locals offended by the 5 metre high monument. Live i/v with Masterton councillor Wendy Woodhouse and Society president Gavin Tankersley. RAWENE PRIMARY SCHOOL - Northland school children caught up in protest over loss of school bus service. Parents keeping them home tomorrow in protest. Comment from Board of Trustees member Jeff Cramp and Education ministry spokesman Warren Henson. (Lydia Monin)
0830 NEWS/SPORTS SOUTH PACIFIC FORUM meeting in Papua New Guinea about to start, will focus on French nuclear testing. Comment from PM Jim Bolger, Labour MP Philip Field. (Janice Rodenburg) WORLD COURT - live i/v with Attorney General Paul East re French accusations NZ falsely playing on public fears of nuclear contamination; live i/v with Terence O'Brien, VUW Centre for SDtrategic Studies. MEAT PRICES drop more in last year than any other food group, but Consumers' Inst says fair deal on price does not mean customers getting fair deal on quality. Live i/v with chief exec David Russell. COMMENT BUCKINGHAM PALACE and Windsor Castle proving less appealing to tourists than might be expected. Live i/v with correspondent Keith Chalkley.