Morning report. 1995-09-14

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Broadcast Date
14 Sep 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS BOSNIA - massive wave of Serb refugees flee before new series of attacks by Croatian and Bosian govt forces. (BBC); i/v with Rida Ettereshany, UN in Zagreb, re whether this is attempt by Bosnian govt to win territory before peace deal. (Mng Rpt) HOME ALONE - leap in number of reports of parents leaving their children alone. Comment from Children's Commissioner Laurie O'Reilly, Mike Doolan of Children and Young Persons Service and Anna Smith, Children's Issues Centre. (Leigh-Anne Wiig); live i/v with Erica Howie, West AK manager of community services for Barnado's. JURIES - PSA wants legislation introduced to make it easier for workers to meet jury duties. Organiser Fiona Johnston comments. (Lydia Monin); live i/v with Justice minister Doug Graham. RESERVE BANK releases latest 6 monthly economic forecast today, will include prospects of tax cuts for first time. Live i/v with Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS BUS/CAR COLLISION near Waipu, south of Whangarei, kills 2 people, 12 taken to hospital. Live i/v with Waipu Fire Chief Alby White. RADIO NEW ZEALAND - govt hopes to have way cleared for sale of commercial stations within fortnight. Bill dealing with Radio NZ back in House after scrutiny by select committee, and has been split in 2. Sale of commercial stations and charter for public radio will be dealt with separately. Comment from Labour's Broadcasting spokesman Graham Kelly, MPs Rick Barker and John Robertson. (Anna Hughes); live i/v with select committee chair Max Bradford. AUSTRALIA - Federal Health minister Carmen Lawrence appears at Marks Royal Commission inquiring into circumstances surrounding tabling of petition in Western Australian parliament in 1992 when she was premier. Live i/v with correspondent Pru Goward.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER PATIENT SAFETY - Nurses' Organsiation says safety at risk in NZ hospitals because of staff shortages and experienced nurses leaving profession, welcomes govt plan to introduce laws govering safety but concerned at indications it only wants to prevent hospital accidents if it doesn't cost anything. Live i/vs with Brenda Wilson of Nurses' Orgn and Under-Secretary for Health Bill English. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES IRISH AGRICULTURE MINISTER Ivan Yates visiting NZ. He's i/ved live about events in Ireland re peace process. MINERAL WATER - Tokyo authorities testing all brands after 50,000 bottles of NZ spring water withdrawn from sale because mould found growing in some of them. TRADENZ regional manager in Tokyo, Eugene Bowen, hopes recall and investigatior illegible Japanese health authorities won't rebound on other NZ products. (Mng Rpt); live i/v with Clive Lewis, managing director of mineral water company involved, illegible Blue. REGIONAL WEATHER
0830 NEWS/SPORTS ILLEGIBLE CREEK - inquiry told first 2 ambulance staff on scene turned away by police co-ordinating rescue. Live i/v with reporter Claire Sylvester. SOUTH PACIFIC FORUM - strong anti-nuclear theme emerging from leaders' meetingin Papua New Guinea. Comment from PNG PM Sir Julius Chan and PM Jim Bolger. (Janice Rodenburg) MEAT INDUSTRY - Commerce Commission says practice of price-fixing widespread, taking several North Island companies to court for collusion re prices paid to farmers for stock. Live i/v with Rural reporter Bryan Crump. CRIME STATISTICS - latest figures show
00:00:10:2% increase in reported violence for year to June. Police attribute rise to greater willingness to report domestic violence and say increase down on last year's 26% jump. Comment from Naria Bradshaw of Women's Refuge, criminologist John Pratt, gang member Kevin Kapea, and Steve Hinds, Police Assn president. (Mark Henderson) COMMENT WOMEN'S CONFERENCE - representatives embroiled in intense negotiations to reach consensus on issues addressed at conference. I/v with reporter Diana Burns. ng Rpt) FRUIT AND VEG report with Jack Forsythe.