Morning report. 1995-09-22

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Broadcast Date
22 Sep 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS MāORI Takahue school - Māori protestors say they have evidence the police started yesterday's fire at the school. Mark Torley wrap on yesterday's events, includes actuality of protest spokesperson Bill Perry, local resident Karen illegible and northern district police commander Les Lilley. Followed by live i/v's with Bill Perry, Kaitaia fire chief Terry Houghton, Dr Margaret Mutu, an academic who's been closely involved in the Muriwhenua land claim. She says yesterday's events at takahue school were entirely predictable. Then a live i/v with treaty negotiations minister Doug Graham.
0730 NEWS WEATHER SPORT HONOURS AND AWARDS - PM's honours advisory committee's recommending scrapping nights and dames. At least two MPs are not in favour of this - Doug Graham and illegible Upton. Marie Hosking wrap includes both of them. COURT Barlow - It's being asked if an impartial jury can be found for barlow's third trial after two have been unable to make decisions. Stephen parker wrap includes Auckland lawyer Marie Dhyrberg and Ak Uni law lecturer Dr Bill Hodge. ILLEGIBLE - Live i/v with John Miller, senior law lecturer at Vic Uni, on how unusual it is to have a third trial after two hung juries. ILLEGIBLE SPENDING - Director General of social welfare Margaret bazley's admitted mistakes were made in refurbishing DSW's computer division. Labour's Annette illegible originally raised concerns. Leigh-Anne Wiig wrap with King, then live i/v illegible Bazley. PAPERS
0800 NEWS WEATHER MāORI Takahue school - Live i/v with Kaitaia mayor Sue James, who says Takahue locals are terrified after yesterday's fire. COURT Poisoned professor case - Live i/v with Merle Nowland, summing up yesterday's evidence, including professor Lloyd's daughter and the accused illegible Calder's former boss. ILLEGIBLE - The Auckland District Court's been investigating why so many potemtial illegible didn't turn up for a drug trial. 186 people couldn't make it and the trial was abandoned. Glenda Wakeham wrap with court registrar Peter Tootill. ILLEGIBLE - Arguments are still going on over whether witnesses should have to live evidence when this breaches Cook Islands law. Live i/v with National illegible Review editor Fran O'Sullivan. ILLEGIBLE - Two activists who were arrested on Wednesday by french military in the surrounding waters of Fangataufa atoll are now free in Tahiti. Live i/v with one of them, New Zealander Rachel Sanson. ILLEGIBLE - Scientists can't rule out bigger eruptions in the next few days following recent activity. Also, a new report's shown the western ski slopes aren't as safe as was previously thought. Leigh-Anne Wiig wrap includes DOC scientist Dr Harry Keys and Ruapehu Alpine Lifts gen manager Dave Mazey. RNZ SALE - RNZ's 40 commercial stations will be sold. Anna Hughes voicer explains the new law. NGA TAPUWAE SCHOOL - education review office is now satisfied with nga tapuwae college. Commissioner John Graham was appointed when the board of trustees was sacked at the beginning of the year and the ERO likes his work. Lydia Monin wrap with John Graham and the chair of the Ak PPTA.
0830 NEWS SPORT TRANSALTA - Canadian company Transalta will now be allowed to buy up to forty percent of Lower Hutt based EnergyDirect, after they've lifted their share cap. Transalta already own forty-nine percent of Wellington's CapitalPower. Bronwen Evans wrap includes shareholders David Berry, Trevor Young and Turei Taramai and vice pres Transalta NZ/Australia operations Gary Holden. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS - Staff of two North Island scholls were on strike yesterday, protesting moves to bulk funding. The state serices commission says the strike's illegal but the PPTA says it isn't. Maria Slade wrap with PPTA pres Roger Tobin and Education Minister Lockwood Smith. TEMPLETON - Live i/v with Bert Whitehouse who's worked with handicapped people for ten years. He says parents of residents at the Templeton Centre shouldn't be scared the centre's closing because their children will be better off out in the community. TAXATION - Finance minister Bill Birch's tax cut package is expected to be on the agenda at a private meeting of cabinet ministers at the PM's residence today. Anna Hughes wrap includes Jim Bolger, United's Peter Dunne and Labour's Michael McCullen. SPORTS - Live predictions from Titirangi MP Suzanne Sinclair (Labour) and Selwyn's David Carter (National) for the Ranfurley Shield clash between Canterbury and Auckland at Lancaster Park tomorrow. ELECTIONS - The new MMP seat Northcote could have three ex-police officers after the seat at the next election, now that Birkenhead MP Ian Revell's been chosen as National's candidate. Paula Penfold wrap with Revell, Ross Meurant and Peter Hilt. COMMENT AUSTRALIA - OZ spot with Pru Goward. Talks about latest political polls, confirming a trend for the coalition to score well ahead of the labour government.