Morning report. 1995-09-28

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Broadcast Date
28 Sep 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS GUNMAN - police shoot and kill man after armed offenders' siege in centre of Invercargill lasting almost 20 hours. Police reporter Karlum Lattimore reports live. GUNMAN - Acton Smith, whose sports store was centre of siege, says not first time shop has been scene of shooting. (20 years ago similar occurrence) (Mng Rpt) RUAPEHU - live report from Stephen Parker about volcanic activity this morning. RUAPEHU - govt agencies roder end to skiing until eruption danger passes. DoC regional conservator Paul Green says it's agreed mountain must be inactive for 5 consecutive days before skiing can resume. (Mng Rpt); live i/v with Turoa skifield general manager Angus Grimwade. MāORI TRUSTEE accused of misdirected spending, discrepancies in annual reports and ballooning costs in submissions to Māori Affairs select committee by Māori Education Trust. Comment from Trust general manager Elsie Ellison. (Mana Māori Media); live i/v with select committee member Tau Henare. GUNMAN - live i/v with head of police operation in Invercargill siege, Supt Graeme Clewer.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - inquiry head Sir Ronald Davison announces he'll take every step within power to ensure all evidence that can be lawfully given to commission is made available to it. (relates to Cook Islands secrecy laws). NZ First leader Winston Peters says inquiry has cleared major hurdle. Live i/v with "National Business Review" editor Fran O'Sullivan. BRITAIN/IRA - European Court of Human Rights condemns British govt for shooting dead 7 years ago of 3 unarmed IRA members in Gibraltar, rules by narrow margin that killings carried out by SAS had been unnecessary. British govt says ruling defies common sense and intends to ignore judgement. (Keith Chalkley); i/v with Sinn Fein representative Joe Austin. (Mng Rpt) ISRAEL - cabinet ratifies deal signed with PLO to extend self-rule across West Bank, but passage through Parliament may be difficult. Agreement allows Palestinians living on West Bank to run own affairs. Live i/v with correspondent Asher Wallfish. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES
0800 NEWS/WEATHER GUNMAN - further live i/v with reporter Karlum Lattimore; local MP Mark Peck describes shooting of man a sad moment that will take long time for Southlanders to forget. (Kathryn Street) RUAPEHU - live i/v with volcanologist Dr Colin Wilson about continuing activity. RUAPEHU - skifields closure costing region in excess of $100,000 a day in lost revenue. Live i/v with Bob Norling, spokesman for Ohakune Business and Retailers' Assn. BRITAIN/IRA - live i/v with British Secretary for Northern Ireland Sir Patrick Mayhew (visiting NZ) about judgement by European Court of Human Rights re the shooting 7 years of 3 unarmed IRA members in Gibraltar. POISONED PROFESSOR - scientist Eric cairns to spend 3rd day giving evidence, has faced sustained attack from defence over claims he fouind high levels of neurotoxin acrylamide monomer in Prof David Lloyd. (Anita Lee) AIDS - Pharmac says it will take time before NZers with AIDS get access to new treatment. Latest research show drugs more effective is used together rather than as alternatives. Live i/v with Pharmac general manager David Moore. O J SIMPSON - closing arguments in trial continue today. Live i/v with Los Angeles correspondent Richard Arnold. REGIONAL WEATHER
0830 NEWS/SPORTS NUCLEAR TESTS - French military authorities seize Greenpeace yacht Vega, carrying former director David McTaggart and 21 Polynesians, after it breached exclusion zone. Live i/v with military spokeswoman Lt Col Annie Gramal GREENPEACE - what is organisation doing to get its ships back from French authorities? Live i/v with Greenpeace International legal director Duncan Surry. AZARIA CHAMBERLAIN - inquest into baby girl's disappearance near Ayers Rock (Australia) 15 years ago to be re-opened. Father Michael Chamberlain wants name cleared. Live i/v with John Louizou, reporter on Darwin newspaper "Sunday Territorian" COMMENT INDIA - at least 70 miners trapped inside coalmine drown after waters from flooded river push into shaft. I/v with corresondent Gordon Taylor. (Mng Rpt) FRUIT AND VEG report with Jack Forsythe.