Morning report. 1995-09-29

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Broadcast Date
29 Sep 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS GUNMAN - Background, Friends of the man say he needed and couldn't get esidential care. Kiri Coughlan wrap includes one unnamed friend and Major Gerald Thorner from the Salvation Army, saying Eric Gellatley's death could have been avoided. GUNMAN - An emotional snap debate on what lead to the police shooting in parliament yesterday. Kathryn Street wrap with invercargill MP Mike Peck, Clive Matthewson and Winston Peters. GUNMAN - Jenny Shipley live i/v. She says government policy is not to blame for the seige in Invercargill. WAITANGI TRIBUNAL - Executive director for five years Buddy Mikaere is to quit. Live i/v with him. RUAPEHU - Live i/v to update situation with Stephen parker.
0730 NEWS WEATHER SPORT ISRAEL/PLO - Israel and the PLO have signed an accord extending Palestinian rule in the west bank. Live i/v with Connie Lawn who was at the White House when the accord was signed. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Cook Islands High Commissioner Iaveta Short refutes suggestions the Cooks government's trying to interfere with NZ law. mark illegible wrap with actuality of Short. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Winston Peters i/v with his opinion of the Cooks government's role in the inquiry. COURT - poisoned professor trial. Anita Lee voicer updating the trial in Christchurch. GUNMAN - Liane Dalzell live i/v about the select committee looking at the illegible Health Amendment Bill. This is in response to comments earlier this morning by Jenny Shipley. Dalzell says the bill's a disgrace. PAPERS
0800 NEWS WEATHER GUNMAN - Live i/v with Dr Peter McGeorge, a psychiatrist and spokesperson for the Mental Health Foundation about care for mentally ill in Invercargill. RUTH RICHARDSON - Live i/v with Richardson on her autobiography, which goes on sale today. MEDICAL - Resident Doctors Association says junior doctors are leaving the country, causing a shortage here and danger to patients. Eileen Cameron wrap includes Deborah Sidebottom of the association and Robert Gilchrist CHE ceo. TAXATION - The Labour party's now suggesting it too might offer tax cuts if it becomes the next government, following National's announcement of cuts. Anna Hughes wrap with Bill Birch and Labour finance spokesperson Michael Cullen. UNITED STATES - OJ trial. Live i/v with Richard Arnold on final summations.
0830 NEWS SPORT FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Don McKinnon in New York to address the general assembly of the UN. (Later this morning our time) Pre-record i/v with McKinnon on what he's going to talk about. OPUNAKE - Search for the Hawera woman Nicola Goodwin expands to rural areas around Opunake today. Operation Cliffbase head, detective Senior Sargeant Joe Townsley i/v with Ana Olykan. MURUROA - Second french nuclear test expected any day. Live i/v with Gyles Beckford in Tahiti (note - he's not AT Mururoa) RUTH RICHARDSON - Richardson previewed her book on Assignment (TVNZ) last night and she criticised many of her former colleagues in parliament. Janice Rodenburg wrap includes Richardson, Max Bradford, Nick Smith, Winston Peters and Rob Storey. COMMENT AUSTRALIA - Oz Spot with Pru Goward. Covers major food poisoning incident in Adelaide, ABC's decision not to go into pay TV ... and the first female president of the ACTU.