Morning report. 1995-10-09

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Broadcast Date
09 Oct 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ: See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News: Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS DTAKI - 145 year old Rangiatea church burns to ground in suspicious circumstances only months after being restored. Meeting of worshippers decides to restore it. Comment from Tongi Baker and Prof Whatarangi Winiata. (Leigh-Anne Wiig); live i/v with historian Michael King about historical significance of the church. NUCLEAR TESTS - now only 2 NZ vessels off Mururoa, peace flotilla yacht "Anna" and the "Tui". John Simpson, skipper of "Photina", which has just arrived in Rarotonga, says essential fresh yachts from NZ go to test site. Live i/v with crew member Andy Baumgartner. AK DOMAIN BODY - police believe they know identity of woman found murdered in Domain and how she died but not yet releasing details. Woman belived to be Cransient in late 60s. Comment from Snr Sgt David Pearson. (Lydia Monin) RUAPEHU provides another spectacular blow in weekend but not enough to deter several thousand skiers and sightseets from taking to slopes. Comment from Whakapapa marketing manager Scott Lee, and various skiers. (Stephen Parker) RUAPEHU - DoC disappointed several groups of people walked to Crater Lake, illegible 2 km exclusion zone around summit. Live i/v with Dave Rothchild, senior conservation officer at Whakapapa.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY recommences today with lawyers on stand. Unclear yet how much testimony they'll give. Live i/v with "National Business Review" editor Fran O'Sullivan. BOSNIA O fierce fighting continues only 2 days before US brokered ceasefire due to take effect. Reports from Croatian news agency that Serb plans have dropped cluster bombs in Croat-held valley, killing dozens of civilians. Earlier Serb illegible on refugee camp near Tuzla killed 1 and wounded others. Heavy fighting also along Serb-Muslim lines. Live i/v with George Eykin in Sarajevo. ILLEGIBLE MAYORALTY - 11 candidates, including Les Mills and Pam Corkery. Alexia Russell looks at the 9 others. Live i/vs with Les Mills and Pam Corkery.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER OTAKI - live i/v with Manahi Baker, chair of Rangiatea Church vestry committee. TAXIS/MOTELS - allegations of rip-offs and price-fixing by CH's taxi and motel industries, following International Golden Oldies Rugby Festival. (Colin McKenzie); live i/v with mayor Vicki Buck. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES LABOUR PARTY appears to be still in political doldrums. Recent poll indicates party is unpopular and position made worse by having Helen Clark as leader, while another poll indicates it would have greater appeal with Mike Moore as leader. Live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher. REGIONAL WEATHER
0830 NEWS/SPORTS ILLEGIBLE PROFESSOR - trial of Dr Vicky Calder enters another week. Live i/v with reporter Anita Lee. ILLEGIBLE FLIGHT - banned flight sparks attempts to organise women from other countires to take anti-nuclear message to Papeete. Co-ordinator of NZ group, illegible Anne Batten, says main priority now is helping American initiative to organise alternative flight from US. (Adam Hollingworth) ILLEGIBLE - United N.Z. Party leader Clive Matthewson wants law changed to allow people aged 65 and older to serve as jurors. Comment also from Age Concern national co-ordinator Miranda Jackson. (Stephen Hewson) ILLEGIBLE - devastating earthquake on island of Sumatra, measuring
00:00:7:0 Richter scale, flattens thousands of buildings. I/v with journalist Catherine Napier in illegible. (Mng Rpt) COMMENT BRITAIN - Labour Party increasinly looking like govt in waiting, with conservatives now trailing by more than 20 points in polls. Live i/v with correspondent Wayne Brittenden.