
Morning report. 1995-10-11

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Broadcast Date
11 Oct 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Bronwen Evans.
0700 NEWS C\ ; - report into death of 11 year old Wayne-Marshall Kairau-Sandhu, obtained by RNZ News under Official InformationAct, highly critical of way Children and Young Persons' Service approached case. Wayne-Marshall's remains found in Ak incinerator last year, 5 months after he first disappeared. (Leigh-Anne Wiig); live i/v with CYPS chief social worker Mike Doolan; live i/v with Buster illegibleson, president of NZ Assn of Social Workers. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Commissioner Sir Ronald Davison gives European Pacific until this morning to front up to inquiry. Act. of IRD lawyer Michael Scott who continued giving evidence yesterday. (Paula Penfold) POISONED PROFESSOR - evidence from Dr Wayne Temple, National Toxicology Centre suggests that Prof Lloyd was not poisoned but is suffering from virus. Live i/v with reporter Anita Lee. DRIVERS - are overseas tourists better drivers than NZers? Tourism report shows NZers mainly have themselves to blame for NZ's relatively high road accident rate. Comment from AA's George Fairbairn, Barry Cullen of Avis, Joan Smith of Land Transport Safety Authority. (Stephen Hewson) ILLEGIBLE BODY ELECTIONS - WN shaping up to be close race between Liz Tennet and Mark Blumsky. Comment from Simon Collins, news editor of "City Voice", Phillida Bunkle (Alliance) Michael Wall (Independent), Nigel Gould (Citizens), Stephen illegible (Independent), and Helene Ritchie (Independent). (Mark Crysell); live i/v with Mark Blumsky and Liz Tennet. CARDIOTHORACIC unit - row over lack of unit for CH flares again following independent audit of patient deaths by Kings College Hospital in London. Audit shows that of 24 patients who died, 8 would have survived if unit was operating at CH Hospital. Live i/v with cardiologist Dr David Smyth; live i/v with Health minister Jenny Shipley. ASPAC HEADLINES
0800 NEWS/WEATHER LABOUR PARTY - One Network News-Colmar Brunton poll shows Labour's share of party vote drop by one-third to 16%, putting it in 3rd place behind National and Alliance. National scored well enough to make it possible to govern without coalition partner. Live i/v with political commentator Colin James. PAPERS BOSNIA - allegations of new massacres beginning to emerge, even as international war crime tribunal starts hearing previous claims of atrocities. Refugees arriving in govt-held areas from Serb-held areas say men of military age taken away. UN spokesman Chris Yanofski comments (BBC) BOSNIA WAR CRIMES - war crimes tribunal in The Hague hears tales of beatings and deaths as witnesses testify against Dragan Nikloic, former Bosnian Serb prison camp commander. I/v with journalist covering case, Barbara Smit. (Mng Rpt) KINDERGARTENS - live i/v with Associate Education minister John Luxton about overcrowding problems. SMART CARDS - Labour leader Helen Clark calls for Information Technology minister Maurice Williamson to be sacked in wake of his comments backing smart cards for beneficiaries. Public opinion on matter mixed. Comment from PM Jim Bolger, Maurice Williamson, and Privacy Commissioner Bruce Slane. REGIONAL WEATHER
0830 NEWS/SPORTS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - overhaul of law, Domestic Violence Bill, back in Parliament nearly year after first being introduced. Public submissions have led to extensive changes. Comment from MPs Alec Neill, Jill Pettis, Phil Goff. (Kathryn Street) FERRIES - day after new guidelines announced for stowing vehicles on Cook Strait ferries, truck and trailer unit on ferry flattens campervan. Live i/v with NZ Rail's Helen Morgan-Banda; live i/v with eyewitness to incident< Ben illegible. BRITAIN - Labour politician Brian Sedgemore writes sex code of conduct for Westminster MPs, telling them that security staff can "spot a bonk at 1,000 illegible Is". He's i/ve about his "Insider's Guide to Parliament". (Mng Rpt) COMMENT SPAIN - official visit by French president Chirac sparks some stiff criticism of Franco-Spanish relations by Spaniards. I/v with correspondent Adela Gooch. (Mng Rpt)