
Morning report. 1995-10-13

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Broadcast Date
13 Oct 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones.
0700 NEWS FRANK SHARP, sacked commander of Ohakea Air Force base, awarded sizeable out of court settlement from Internal Affairs. Mr Sharp filed personal grievance case against dept after his appt as Civil Defence controller in Palmerston North was overturned following complaints by minister Warren Cooper. Live i/v with Mr Sharp. ILLEGIBLE PROFESSOR - jury still out. Merle Nowland reports live on judge's illegible, length of time jury out, etc. ELLENS MURDER TRIAL - jury still out. Live report from Claire Sylvester re evidence regarding defendant Michael October. DNA BLOOD TESTING law, Criminal Investigations (Blood Samples) Act, passed. Act gives police power to take blood samples from burglars and people suspected or convicted of serious crimes, by force if necessary. Alsosets up NZ's first DNA databank. Comment from Detective Inspector Cam Ronald, Graham Dick, Inst of Environmental Science Research DNA spokesperson Graham Dick, and Rape Crisis spokesperson Toni Allwood. (Karlum Lattimore) LABOUR PARTY caucus identifes strategy and style rather than substance as bbiggest barrier to greater public acceptance. Labour MPs say urgent re-marketing exercise required. Comment from MPs Geoff Braybrooke, Rick Barker, quotes from Phil Goff and George Hawkins. (Kathryn Street); live i/v with leader Helen Clark.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FRENCH PRESIDENT Chirace loses support of former president Giscard d'Estaing re nuclear tests, who expresses his disagreement in i/v with "Le Figaro". Live i/v with correspondent Lynne Terry. PEACE FLIGHT women, now in Tahiti, co-ordinate their anti-nuclear protest illegible. I/v with co-ordinator Rev Ann Batten. (Mng Rpt) RIGHT OF CENTRE PARTY - executive to decide this weekend whether to continue as is or try a new approach. Comment from deputy leader Trevor Rogers. (Janice Rodenburg) PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES
0800 NEWS/WEATHER LOCAL BODY ELECTIONS - many eligible voters have yet to return their voting papers. Live i/v with AK City's supervising returning officer, Dale Ofsoske. DATABASE - claims that database of school rolls could have saved life of Wayne-Marshall Kairau-Sandhu, concern at how easy it is for school child to apparently disappear - could be 6,500 who fail to re-enrol in schools. Comment from MPs Margaret Austin, and David Caygill, Education ministry spokesman Ross Boyd, and Colenso High School (Napier) principal, Marilyn Scott. (Robert Freeman) O J SIMPSON gives i/v to "New York Times", lawyers advise him to keep quiet. I/v with correspondent Judy Lessing. (Mng Rpt) HEPATITIS B - Parliament's Māori Affairs select committee over-rules Health ministry and recommends bringing in Army to take urgent action it says is needed to deal with hepatitis problem in Māori community. Committee also considering wider investigation into Māori health. Committee chair Koro Wetere quoted. (Janice Rodenburg) COOK ISLANDS TAX SCHEME - live i/v with TVNZ journalist Ian Wishart about his book "The Paradise Conspiracy", an expose of story behind the "winebox" inquiry. REGIONAL WEATHER RUAPEHU - Civil Defence spokesman Denis O'Reilly says people will have to cope with ashfall for some time. He's i/ved live. CHOGM - AKers warned of major disruption on central city roads during meeting. Comment from Supt Dick Trimball, and Murray Parker of AK City Council. (Sacha Hardy) NIGERIA - military regime announces it accepts in principl multi-party system and will take steps to return country to democratic rule by Oct 1998. Announcement follows pressure from Commonwealth nations, leading up to CHOGM in November. Live i/v with Janet Anderson, BBC correspondent in Lagos. HEAVY DRINKING - new campaign under way to try to cut social cost, extols virutes of light beer. Live i/v with chief exec of Alcoholic Liquor Advisory Council, Dr Mike McAvoy. COMMENT OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Pru Goward about week's events across Tasman - Rupert Murdoch on Keating and economic policy, ex-Wallaby coach heads or Ireland, Hazel Hawke appeals to Keating for help.