Morning report. 1995-10-16

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Broadcast Date
16 Oct 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones.
0700 NEWS MILK PRICE to rise 10 cents a litre from end of month. NZ Milk Corpn says increase is to match export products. Comment from Des Flynn of the Foodtown supermarket chain, Lynlee Sanders of Family Budgeting, and David Russell, Consumers Inst. (Peter Fowler); live i/v with NZ Milk Corpn general manager Brian Bradford. ILLEGIBLE PROFESSOR jury unable to reach unanimous verdict on guilt or innocence Dr Vicky Calderm refocusses attention on disadvantages of jury trials and on unanimous decisions. (Catherine Harris); live i/v with Justice minister Doug Graham. BOSNIA CEASEFIRE might be starting to bite after all, with bitter fighting in northwest starting to subside. In Sarajevo, trams have begun to run again. I/v with BBC correspondent Martin Dawes. (Mng Rpt)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS RIGHT OF CENTRE Party changes its name to NZ Conservative Party. Deputy leader Trevor Rogers hopes voter familiarity with British party will benefit NZ version. He's i/ved live. LOCAL BODY ELECTIONS - how fair is the system? how much money do candidates spend? is first past the post still relevant? Comment from Labour MP Richard Worthey and Brian McLay, formerly of Local Govt Assn. (Mark Henderson); live i/v with political scientist Graham Bush. TIM SHADBOLT looking for a job, having lost the Invercargill mayoralty, says he wants to write sequel to autobiography and do a bit of concreting. He's i/ved. (Mng Rpt)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - European Pacific lawyer Richard Craddock given until illegible am to say whether company is prepared to submit to inquiry's jurisdiction. (Alexia Russell); live i/v with "National Business Review" editor Fran O'Sullivan. PAPERS RUAPEHU - Whakapapa skifield finally closed after mountain bursts back into life and spews ash over wide area of eastern North Island. Comment from Civil Defence spokesman Dennis O'Reilly and skifield general manager Dave Maisey. (Mark Henderson) RUAPEHU - 50th anniversary of last eruption marked with volcano awareness week. Live i/v with Dr Bruce Houghton. ITALY - former PM and medial mogul Silvio Berlusconi to stand trial on corruption charges, protests he's victim of witch hunt. Live i/v with correspondent Frances Kennedy. WINE AND FOOD FESTIVAL - organisers of WN event disappointed weather kept illegible and any chance of profit away. Organisers say they needed 7,000 people each day to break even, prompting re-think on how to handle future wine and food festivals. (Kiri Coughlan) REGIONAL WEATHER
0830 NEWS/SPORTS NUCLEAR TESTS - Britain asks France to delay next nuclear test until after next month's CHOGM in AK, says Britain can't maintain silence over tests if another blast occurs before CHOGM. Comment from Nobel Peace Prize winner, Joseph Rotblat. (Wayne Brittenden) LANDMINES - latest UN conference, Inhuman Weapons Conference in Vienna, fails to get agreement on total ban on use. Comment from NZ Foreign Affairs minister Don McKinnon and David Zwartz, anti land mine campaign. (Helen Matterson) POUL GNATT, "father" of Royal NZ Ballet Co, dies aged 72. Live i/v with Jon Trimmer, who was trained by Poul Gnatt. PAM CORKERY - Alliance has her pegged as central govt politician despite failing to win AK mayoralty. Comment from Leader Jim Anderton (q) and national director Matt McCarten. (Alexia Russell) COMMENT ISRAEL - govt resists calls to hit back at Hizbollah guerrillas in southern Lebanon after 6 soldiers killed in ambush. Latest violence seems calculated attempt to disrupt peace process by prompting Israeli retaliation. Live i/v with "The Guardian"s Jerusalem correspondent, Derek Brown.