Morning report. 1995-10-18

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Broadcast Date
18 Oct 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones.
0700 NEWS TURANGI - former head of Tongariro hydro project, Warren Gibson, says Waitangi Tribunal report on land acquisition is misleading and full of errors, surprised tribunal did not contact him to get his side of story. (Peter Fowler); live i/v with tribal spokesman Mahlon Nepia. INTEREST RATES - Reserve bank approves modest fall in rates following latest CPI. Live i/v with Trustbank economist Clive Thorpe. illegible SERVICE - WN Service warns that inner city apartments could be death traps, cncerned about number of people living in apartments above commercial premises which don't have enough fire precaution. (follows fire in Paradiso restaurant) Comment from Chief Fire Officer Peter Dempsey. (Kiri Coughlan) COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - 3 IRD staff back up comments made by colleague Michael Scott. European Pacific lawyer Richard Craddock expected to tell inquiry whether company's employees can be questioned in inquiry about topics that may breach Cook Islands privacy laws. Live i/v with "National Business Review" editor Fran O'Sullivan.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS CHEMICAL FIRE - Otahuhu residents still complaining about effects of exposure to fumes and some not satisfied about medical attention they're getting. Comment from Dr Richard Mason, National Poisons Centre. (Helen Matterson); live i/v with Dr Peter Rodwell, who's been treating people who live near NuFarm factory for symptoms. TAINUI - train trip from AK to WN marks end of 132 year long journey for Tainui people. 150 preparing to board "Tainui Express" to travel to WN to witness enactment of Waikato Raupatu Settlement Bill. Each Waikato marae represented by one elder (kaumatua) and one rangitahi (youth). (Sacha Hardy reports with comment by Iti Rawiri and Wayne Tautuku) FRANCE - another bomb blast in Paris, tears through crowded underground illegible train, injures 28 people. Live i/v with correspondent Lynne Terry; series of blasts blamed on Algerian Islamic extremists. Live i/v with Max Rodinbeck, North African correspondent for "The Guardian".
0800 NEWS/WEATHER FISHING - Chatham Islanders critical of Fisheries minister Doug Kidd's decision not to meet them to discuss their quota grievances. Locals warn if govt doesn't take plea for separate 200 mile exclusive zone seriously, underlying tensions in community will erupt again. Comment from Waitangi Fishermans Association spokesman Lee Clough and mayor Pat Smith. (Kiri Coughlan); Chathams MP Ruth Dyson says select committee looking at islanders' demand for more quota and residents' actions are major setback. (Marie Hosking) NZ/AUSTRALIA TRADE relationship under spotlight at ManFed conference in AK. Federal Treasurer Ralph Willis in AK to address conference on out look for Australian economy and its place in Asia Pacific region. He's i/ved live. PAPERS/ASPACHEADLINES RABBIT VIRUS - joint Australian/NZ trial of virus, considered best bet for biological control, hits snag. Tests taking place on island off South Australian coast but infected rabbit carcass found on mainland and scientists hear uncontrolled spread of virus. Live i/v with scientist heading NZ side of project, Morgan Williams. KAITAIA COURT -Chief District Court judge asked to give govt view of court hearing which MP Peter Hilt says was mockery of justice system. Mr Hilt says defendants in Kaitaia airport trespass case called police officer a traitor, members of public were allowed to question Crown witnesses and notes from defendants containing questions were passed to members of public. Live i/v with editor of "Northland Age", Peter Jackson, who was in court at time.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS AK DOMAIN MURDER - police finish searching Domain in investigation into murder of Betty Marusich. Live i/v with Operation Wanderer head, Det Insp Phil Jones. MMP VOTING PAPER - small Parliamentary parties concerned about what voting paper will look like, claim planned layout will discourage voters from splitting vote, supporting a candidate from one party and giving party vote to different party. Comment from MPs Peter Dunne, Steve Maharey, and Tony Ryall. (Janice Rodenburg) FORTEX MEAT COMPANY - Securities Commission decides it was reasonable for Fortex to have withheld information about financial position in week before it went into receivership last year. Live i/v with Rurals reporter Bryan Crump. NATIONAL SCIENCE FAIR - 16 year old from Rotorua Boys' High School, Hamiora Werahiko, wins 1st place with project Kai Pounamu, evaluating ancient Māori chniques for preserving and storing food. (Mark Crysell) COMMENT MEXICO - Hurricane Roxanne hits Mexico's southern coast for 2nd time in week, leaving 3 people dead, 50 missing, and some 20,000 homeless. Live i/v with correspondent Monica Gutchi.