Morning report. 1995-10-24

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Broadcast Date
24 Oct 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones.
0700 NEWS UNITED NATIONS - world leaders welcomes to 50th anniversary celebrations in New York by General Assembley president, Dr Freitas do Amaral of Portugal and addressed by Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali. NUCLEAR WEAPONS - PM Jim Bolger tells UN that NZ finds it inexplicable and unacceptable that China and France still testing nuclear weapons, says UN needs illegible recommit itself to ridding world of atomic arms and production of uranium illegible plutonium for nuclear arms should be banned, while nuclear powers should nake further substantial cuts in nuclear arsenals. He's i/ved. (Mng Rpt) UNITED NATIONS - 10 speeches by world leaders at 50th anniversary celebrations reported In "New York Times". NZ's not one of them - which ones made it? Judy Lessing i/ved. (Mng Rpt) WAITANGI DAY - understood that PM and Governor Geberal will hold celebrations it Govt House in WN next day, rather than at Waitangi, because of last year's demonstrations by Māori activists. Some Māori leaders angry at changes. Comment From Māori Council chair Sir Graham Latimer, former Labour cabinet minister Matiu Rata, and Areta Koopu, national president of Māori Women's Welfare League, who agrees with the changes. (Leigh-Anne Wiig); live i/v with Speaker of House, Peter Tapsell.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS NUCLEAR TESTS - at UN President Chirac seeks to deflect criticism of French Cesting by pledging to sign South Pacific nuclear free zone treaty next year. I/v with Jacques Rummelhardt, French Foreign Ministry, about how concerned France is about criticism from world leaders at UN. (Mng Rpt) PRIVATE SCHOOL - Labour Party attacks govt for giving funding to private Religious school, Tauranga's Bethlehem College, which bans literature about etches. Spokesman Trevor Mallard says school promotes extremely fundamentalist environment and is not suitable for Targeted Individual Entitlement Scheme which provides private education for children from low income families; live i/v with Bethlehem College principal Graham Preston. ROAD TOLL - police and anti-drink driving groups frustrated at number of accidents involving alcohol and speeding over Labour Weekend. 8 people killed of 7 last year. Comment from Sgt Andrew Chapman, Dr John Bailey of ESR, and Fraffic Safety Supt Ray Whatmough. (Mark Crysell) COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - former Cook Islands govt official Richard McDonlad defying edict preventing Cook Islanders giving evidence or producing documents to Inquiry. More disclosures also expected today about workings of Inland Revenue Dept. Live i/v with reporter Adam Hollingworth. CRICKET - NZ selectors make changes in team following NZ's loss to India inside 3 days in first test. I/v with commentator Brian Waddle about the changes.(Mng Rpt) THOMAS MURDER TRIAL -third trial of John Barlow for murders of Gene and Eugene Thomas begins today. Merle Nowland backgrounds the case.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER UNITED NATIONS/BOLGER - live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher about impact and implications of PM Jim Bolger's visit to UN and meetings with John Major and Jacques Chirac. ROAD TOLL for Labour Weekend is 8. Live i/v with Traffic Supt Ray Whatmough. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES BRITAIN - "House of Horrors" jury hears taped voice of alleged serial killer Rosemary West as she told police poised to dig up her garden that she had nothing to hide. Live i/v with ITN journalist Robert Hall. HOME CARE WORKERS - Labour MP Judy Keall says she's been approached by several home care workers in her electorate worried about their pay rates, says they're employed by Sunderland Community Support Services which is contracted by Central RHA and are paid $4 an hour. (Stephen Hewson); live i/v with director of Sunderland Community Support Services, David Hutchinson. REGIONAL WEATHER
0830 NEWS/SPORTS BOXING - another death in Philippines brings to 3 number of professional boxers to die in last fortnight, bringing renewed calls for boxing to be banned. Live i/v with Olympic silver medallist and manager for David Tua, Kevin Barry. HOME CARE WORKERS - live i/v with MP Judy Keall, who replies to claim by director of Sunderland Community Support Services that poor pay rates are just continuation of old contracts. WORK PATTERNS - Labour Party releases discussion paper, "Rethinking Work", which says we need more flexible working arrangements so parents can spend more time with famiies as well as reduced working hours in order to raise hourly prodctivity. Live i/vs with Employment spokesman Steve Maharey and Employers' Fedn chief exec Steve Marshall. COMMENT MONDAY OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes about weekend's events - Governor General's about face on republican issue, new virus affecting horse racing industry, should Sydney house Americas Cup winning yacht or should it return to Perth and help bolster support for Carmen Lawrence.