Morning report. 1995-10-25

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Broadcast Date
25 Oct 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones.
0700 NEWS SOUTHLAND MENTAL PATIENTS - independent report on police shooting of Eric Galletly in Invercargill last month critical of way acute mental patients dealt with in region. Live i/v with Dr Stephanie du Fresne, director of Forensic Psychiatric Services for Healthcare Otago; live i/v with Dr Peter McGeorge, Mental Health Fndn. NCLEAR TESTS - European Commission decides not to take legal action against lance over test programme in South Pacific. Commission president Jacques Santer tells European Parliament that underground explosions pose no significant danger to human life.; many Euro MPs refuse to abandon campaign against tests, including Pauline Green, leader of Socialists, largest bloc in Parliament; live i/v with Foreign Affairs minister Don McKinnon. INTEREST RATES - last of major trading banks, Trustbank, drops rate to
00:00:10:25%, quarter of per cent lower than floating rates of competitors. (Stephen Parker); live i/v with Bankers Trust economist Kelly Tonkin about future for interest rates.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - "secret" diary kept by IRD dissenter Denese Latimer expected to produce more dramatic evidence at inquiry. Former Cook Islands govt official says he's had to flee Cook Islands. (Adam Hollingworth); live i/v with "National Business Review" editor Fran O'Sullivan. WAITUTU FOREST - govt makes formal offer to Māori owners, proposing to transfer 12,000 ha of other crown forests in return for agreement that Waitutu's virgin rimu forests remain uncut. As well, Conservation minister Denis Marshall proposes making cash payment to owners, Waitutu Incorporation. Live i/v with Incorporation chair John Southerwood. OMAS MURDERS - Thomas family expected to give evidence today in John Barlow's third trial. Merle Nowland reports it took longer to select jury this time. DRINKING AGE - survey conducted by MRL for Alcohol Advisory Council finds 46% of people in favour of legal minimum drinking age of 18 years while 49% in favour of 20 years. Comment from ALAC director Michael MacAvoy and pub manager Matt Nelson. (Stephen Hewson); MP Nick Smith to survey electorate on whether he should introduce private member's Bill to lower drinking age. He's i/ved live.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER NUCLEAR TESTS - live i/v with correspondent John Fraser on European Commission's decision not to take legal action against France over nuclear-tests programme. PRIVATE EDUCATION - Labour's Education spokesman Trevor Mallard and Education minister Lockwood Smith i/ved live on scheme to allow students from poorer families attend private schools. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES AFRICAN STOWAWAYS - 13 men discovered on Turkish registered log carrier in Nelson at weekend, now in CH's Addington prison while lawyer makes efforts to establish identities and why they came here. Comment from lawyer John Hardie, CH Immigration Service manager Ian Jarvis and Jane Howell, CH African community. (Mark Crysell) NUCLEAR TESTS - skipper who sparked off protest flotilla, Barry Keown of "Tryptich", arrives back in NZ. He's i/ved live. REGIONAL WEATHER
0830 NEWS/SPORTS WAITUTU FOREST - live i/v with Conservation minister Denis Marshall about proposed settlement. CROATIA - fresh allegations of ethnic cleansing, this time against Croatians. Since push began in August through Serb-held Krajina region, some 180,000 refugees leave homes. I/v with RNZ's Jonathan Schwass, who's in the Krajina region. COMMENT ENVIRONMENT - seven NZ children attending first International Children's Conference on Environment at Eastbourne, England. Live i/v with 12 year old Terehia Hassan who's just presented her research on endangered yellow-eyed penguin. ECLIPSE - i/v with India correspondent Ranjan Gupta about national reaction to colar eclipse.