Morning report. 1995-10-27

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Broadcast Date
27 Oct 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones.
0700 NEWS TERTIARY EDUCATION - govt releases details of next yar's funding to storm of criticism. Education minister Lockwood Smith says there will be funding for extra 3,500 students (q) but sector estimates funding needed for additional 2,000 places. Comment from Prof David Ross, chair of Vice Chancellors' committee, and Labour's Education spokesman David Caygill. (Maria Slade). CERTIARY EDUCATION - Canty Univ hardest hit by funding announcement. Live i/v with Vice Chancellor, Prof Albert Brownlie. TERTIARY EDUCATION - live i/v with Education minister Lockwood Smith. RUSSIAN PRESIDENT Boris Yeltsin in hospital after suffering fresh bout of heart trouble. Reports of condition vary. I/v with correspondent Tracy Sutherland. AIR NEW ZEALAND - speculation airline about to gain stake in Ansett Australia has dramatic effect in Australia. Stock Exchange suspends trading of shares in Ansett's half owner TNT and demands explanation. TNY announces it's in discussion with Air NZ. Comment from James Dunn, "Stock Exchange Journal" editor, and Ian Thomas, aviation reporter for "Australian Financial Review". Maria Slade)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS TRAL CONTRACEPTIVES - Health ministry asks doctors to report on adverse reactions, particularly cases of thrombosis or clots in the legs. WHO study shows chances of getting thrombosis from certain types of pill has risen from in 10,000 to 2 in 10,000. Comment from ministry's therapeutics manager Dr Bob Boyd, and Sandra Coney, Women's Health Action. (Marguerite Fahy); live i/v with Beverley, who's led restricted life since blood clot in groin 7 years ago and who wants women tothink carefuly before they take oral contraceptives. AK ANTI-ROYALIST Sam Bracanov says he'd rather go to jail than sign $9,000 bond illegible to keep peace during Queen's visit next month. Comment also from CHOGM security co-ordinator Brian Rowe. (Stephen Hewson); live i/v with Mr Bracanoy's lawyer Colin Amery. WATER - C S First Boston report commissioned by Business Roundtable says large gains can be made by privatising water industry. Comment from BRT exec director Roger Kerr. (Mark Crysell) MT RUAPEHU increases volcanic activity again, belches out cloud of sulphuric gas which appers to have extended as far as stretch of ocean between CH and Chatham Islands. Live i/v with Dr Bruce Houghton, Inst of Geologicaland Nuclear Sciences at Wairakei.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER TERTIARY EDUCATION - students critical of funding announcement, face increased Fees as universities move to cover costs. Live i/v with NZUSA president Paul Williams. J.S. STOCK PRICES fall sharply, triggering New York exchange's limits on computer assisted trading. Live i/v with Business reporter David Jones. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY adjourns for 2 weeks while Court of Appeal hears legal arguments. Live i/v with "National Business Review" editor Fran O'Sullivan, about the week's evidence at the inquiry. MENTAL HEALTH - Alliance leader Jim Anderton says political parties expressing concern about psychiatric services had better be prepared to put up the money over the issue, says problems have been long-standing and quick action is needed. (Anna Hughes) BEAUJOLAIS - International Peace Bureau in Geneva calls for world boycott of France's Beaujolais Nouveau, and legislation introduced to US Congress which could lead to 800% increase in import tariffs on the wine. Move in protest at nuclear tests. Live i/v with Colin Archer, International Peace Bureau. REGIONAL WEATHER
0830 NEWS/SPORTS JAPAN - man accused of master-minding nerve gas attack on Tokyo subway summoned to meeting in Tokyo District court to explain why he fired his lawyer, thus delaying his trial. I/v with correspondent Stephen Engel. (Mng Rpt) CHOGM - formal agenda won't be settled until meeting actually begins and bluntest debate likely to be reserved for leaders' retreat in Queenstown. Live iI/v with Political editor Karen Fisher. FRIGATE "WELLINGTON" patrolling Persian Gulf as part of UN sanctions against Iraq, operating as part of multi-national force lead by US. Live i/v with captain Cdr Jack Steer. COMMENT OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes about week's events across the Tasman. SONG written by students from North Canty's Leithfield School sung at International Children's Conference in England. "Sing Out Kiw" presented to conference by delegation of 7 NZ students.