Morning report. 1995-10-30

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Broadcast Date
30 Oct 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones.
0700 NEWS LABOUR PARTY releases list of candidates for party list. President Maryan Street describes it as snapshot of party(q). MPs Mike Moore and Jack Elder (40th on list) critical. Comment also from leader Helen Clark; i/v with former leader Mike Moore who's very critical of list. (Mng Rpt); live i/v with president Maryan Street. NUCLEAR TESTS - All Blacks expected to voice personal opposition to french testing following arrival in France today. British PM John Major has supported French test programme. (3rd test carried out on Saturday 28th). Comment from anti-test protestor John Hincliffe (ATOM), Labour leader Helen Clark and govt MP Max Bradford. (Maria Slade) SOUTH AFRICA - former Defence minister Magnus Malan reported to be among those arrested in connection with activities of "death squads" in late 1980s. Live i/v with correspondent Anthony Johnson.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - two Court of Appeal cases this week could hold key to future of inquiry, taken by Audit Office and KPMG Peat Marwick, will decide whether Court can give them legal muscle to break Cook Islands secrecy laws. (Adam Hollingworth); live i/v with Dr Jerome Elkind, AK UNiv law faculty, about conflict of laws. ELDERLY - govt indicates it will support United NZ Party idea of taskforce charged with assessing needs of elderly. Comment from United leader Clive Matthewson, Labour spokeswoman Annette King, and Jane Yoong, national director of Age Concern. (Helen Matterson); live i/v with Greypower president Jim McKenzie. FIRE SERVICE wants tougher fire safety regime for accommodation industry. Comment from Fire Service spokesman Dave Allan. (Karlum Lattimore); current fire safety system, placing responsibility on owners for ensuring they're complying with safety regulations, in place since 1992. Despite latest fires in WNM< city council believes system works well. Live i/v with George Skimming, environmental division of WN City Council.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER CANADA - Quebec votes tomorrow on whether to become independent nation. If vote is "yes", it could lead to disintegration of world's second largest country. Live i/v with Quebec correspondent Joanne Bayly. PAPARUA PRISON - new secure unit to be built to house inmates with psychiatric problems. Justice minister Doug Graham says more units will be built if this one is successful (q). Criticism from Labour MP Mike Moore, Judy Tait of Schizophrenia Fellowship, and Olive Webb of IHC. (Claire Silvester/Karlum Lattimore) ALLIANCE decides to re-run selection of CH Central candidate after executive decides rules were broken during original selection which was won by Mana Motuhake's Joanna Waiwai. Live i/v with Parliamentary reporter Anna Hughes. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES BOSNIA - kind of normality returning to Sarajevo. I/v with RNZ's Jonathan Schwass. (Mng Rpt) NUCLEAR TESTS - noisy protest outside French ambassador's residence in WN. Leigh-Anne Wiig reports live. REGIONAL WEATHER
0830 NEWS/SPORTS NUCLEAR TESTS - British PM John Major joins French president Jacques Chirac for meeting at Chequers, with nuclear co-operation at top of agenda. (Keith Chalkley); anti-nuclear protestors gather outside Chequers. Wayne Brittenden reports live. FIRE SAFETY - Tourism Board spokesman Chris Ryan says tourism will suffer if owner of backpackers' hostels have to pay to increase safety standards. He's i/ved live. CHILE - bid to join NAFTA looks set to founder after Chilean negotiators fail to convince US Congress over issue of entry, could turn attention to Australasia as region to do business with. (Neil Wiese) COMMENT MONDAY OZ SPOT - i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes about events across gasman, (fruit fly problem) (Mng Rpt)