Morning report. 1995-11-02

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Broadcast Date
02 Nov 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones.
0700 NEWS WANGANUI at centre of race row again - this time over jailing of activist Ken Mair for contempt of court. Some lawyers say he probably deserved sentence if being deliberately disrespectful but supporters astounded by sentence. Commen from Tariana Turia, Po Temara, and lawyer Donna Hall, Chief District Court Judge Ronald young, and activist Niko Tangaroa. (Peter Fowler); live i/v with Justice minister Doug Graham. SUPERANNUATION - Retirement Commissioner Colin Blair releases report suggsting current level of super can be sustained in future for aging population. Comment from President of Greypower Jim McKenzie and chief exec of the Life Offices Assn., Arthur Davis. (Marguerite Fahy); live i/vs with Age Concern national director Jane Yoong, and National Mutual general manager Anthony Ratcliffe. SHELLFISH - Health director-general bans collection or eating of any shellfish along stretch of East Coast of North Island from Tolaga bay to Cape Runaway, following advice from Marine Biotoxins Management Board. Board says there's risk of amnesic shellfish poisoning. Live i/v with Board member Bill Trusewick.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS GERMAN DELINQUENTS - German govt welcomes NZ decision to tighten up entry requirements, forcing German social workers to obtain work permits before bringing delinquents to NZ on rehabilitation programmes. Comment from embassy spokesman Frank Meyka and Michael Mcbride, NZ ambassador to Germany. (Stephen Hewson); i/v with Immigration minister Roger Maxwell about what sort of young people are brought to NZ on these programmes. (Mng Rpt) SRI LANKA - scurity forces now about 8kms from Tamil stronghold of Jaffna, Red Cross reports worsening humanitarian crisis. I/v with BBC correspondent Andrew Whitehead. EXHIBITION of contemporary Māori art at AK gallery offends some people, one work invites participation by walking on replica of NZ flag. Comment from artist Dianne Prince and marketing manager for the gallery, Beth Harman. (Eileen Cameron); live i/v with Dianne Prince and Christian Democrat leader Graeme Lee.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER TISCO - NZ's largest televsion and appliance repair firm goes into receivership. Live i/v with one of Price Waterhouse receivers, John Waller. ROYAL VISIT - police say they're ready to deal with expected Māori protests when Queen and Duke of Ediburgh make brief visit to Rotorua today, live i/v with Snr Sgt Graeme Bell. NIGERIA'S military dictator likely to be under pressure at CHOGM over human rights. Renewed international outrage over death sentences imposed on human rights and environmental activists. Comment from Foreign Affairs minister Don McKinnon (q) and Greenpeace spokesman Michael Szabo. (Janice Rodenburg) PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES CROWN HEALTH ENTERPRISES - Chief Ombudsman Sir Brian Elwood offers to meet and train CHE management staff in handling official requests for information, supports view that sometimes CHEs sometimes hide behind Privacy Act. (Helen Matterson); i/v with Crown Health Assn chair Dr Brent Layton about whether law on privacy is too complex. (Mng Rpt); Sir Brian Elwood insists his advice and policies are correct. (Mng Rpt) REGIONAL WEATHER
0830 NEWS/SPORTS PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS officially opened today by Queen: Parliamentary reporter Anna Hughes tours repaired and refurbished buildings with general manager John O'Sullivan and longest serving MP Jonathan Hunt. RESTORATIVE JUSTICE - Justice ministry releases discussion paper on system which focusses on bringing techniques of conflict resolution into justice system. I/v with senior policy analyst Anne Hartley. (Mng Rpt) COMMENT COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Court of Appeal due to finish hearings into aspects of inquiry today, asked to rule whether some witnesses should be obliged to present evidence to inquiry. (Bronwen Evans) ARGENTINA - political row over suggestions that President Menem plans referendum to allow him to seek 3rd consecutive term in 1999. Live i/v with correspondent Neil Wiese. FRUIT AND VEG REPORT with Jack Forsythe.