Morning report. 1995-11-03

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Broadcast Date
03 Nov 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
03640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones.
0700 NEWS BOSNIA - NZ officer working with UNPROFOR as liaison officer near nothern town of Zenica taken hostage for several hours by Mujahidin volunteer soldiers serving with Bosnian govt army, released unharmed. I/v with UNPROFOR spokesman in Sarajevo, Col Chris Vernon. (Mng Rpt) illegible - limited progress at peace talks in Ohio. Croatian and Serbian leaders agree to use peaceful means to settle question of eastern Slavonia. (BBC) QUEEN opens refurbished Parliament Buildings. (Leigh-Anne Wiig) TAINUI - Queens signs Waikato Raupatu Settlement Bill into law today. Live i/v with chair of Tainui Trust Board, Hare Puke. TELECOM PROFIT - Alliance calls on Telecom to abolish all domestic phone rentals following latest profit announcement. Alliance leader Jim Anderton says the profit is excessive and Telecom is exploiting its excessive market power. He's i/ved live; live i/v with Telecom chair Peter Shirtcliffe.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS REPUBLICANISM debate flares again following PM Jim Bolger's speech at opening of refurbished Parliament Buildings, makes oblique reference. Act of Mr Bolger, HM Queen, comment from Christian Democrat leader Graeme Lee and Labour MP Steve Maharey. (Helen Matterson) PRISONS - PSA calls for more money for training for prison staff following hostage incident at Mt Eden. PSA representative Chris lawry has been telling prison management for some time that staff are vulnerable to being taken hostage. Comment also from manager taken hostage, Raewyn Abbott. (Sacha Hardy); i/v with Mt Eden acting general manager Mike Scripps. (Mng Rpt) COUTH AFRICA - former supporters of Nelson Mandela claim he's unwilling to attack nuclear testing or human rights abuses elsewhere in Africa. (Wayne Brittenden) LABOUR PARTY - former leader Mike Moore turns down offer of place on front bench, says he doesn't have the loyalty to Helen Clark or the party's directoin needed for the position. Comment also from MPs George Hawkins, Jack Elder. (Kathryn Street); Helen Clark believes Mike Moore has constructive contribution to make to party and would like to see him on front bench (q).
0800 NEWS/WEATHER LABOUR PARTY MPs distance themselves from new party list candidate Tariana Turia because of her comments criticising judge who jailed Ken Mair for contempt of court. Comment from MPs George Hawkins and Phil Goff. (Peter Fowler); live i/v with Justice spokesman Phil Goff. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES DRIVE-BY SHOOTING - Police resume search for those involved in gang related shooting outside WN District Court. Shotgun fired at police van containing Mongrel Mob member, nobody seriously hurt. Comment from WN District police commander Gerry Cunneen, Insp Nick Perry, and WN mayor Mark Blumsky. (Stephen Hewson); shooting latest incident in "war' between Black Power and Mongrel Mob gangs. Live i/v with Det Snr Sgt Hugh McCrae. FRANCE - police believe they've made another breakthrough in investigation into bombings blamed on islamic fundamentalists, arrest Algerian in Paris who's suspected of playing leading role in bombings. Live i/v with corrrespondent Lynne Terry. THOMAS MURDERS - third trial of John Barlow almost at halfway stage. Live i/v with Court reporter Merle Nowland. REGIONAL WEATHER
0830 NEWS/SPORTS LABOUR PARTY - live i/v with list candidate and Māori activist Tariana Turia about Labour MPs' criticism of her comments about judge who jailed Ken Mair for contempt of court. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - could be Christmas before Court of Appeal gives judgement on whether K P M G Peat Marwick and Auditor General will have to give evidence to inquiry. Company at heart of inquiry, European Pacific, also asks to be heard by Court. (Bronwen Evans) ARTS - controversial flag-trampling display at AK City Art Gallery dismantled following legal advice suggesting display broke 2 laws. Display part of exhibition by contemporary Māori artists. Live i/v with David Kirkpatrick, legal adviser to gallery. COMMENT OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes about week's events across Tasman.