Morning report. 1995-11-08.

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Broadcast Date
08 Nov 1995
RNZ Collection
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Hosking, Mike, Presenter
Walley, Allan, Editor
Gibson, Martin, Producer
Irving, Gordon, Sports presenter
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones.
0700 NEWS FRANCE - President Chirac dumps cabinet, seen as attempt to revive flagging presidency. Live i/v with correspondent Lynne Terry. CHOGM - first delegations arrive in AK today, with preliminary meetings beginning this morning. Quarter of NZ's defence force involved in security, meeting also attracting protest groups. Comment from Supt Bryan Rowe, Insp Tony Lee, Nick Keenley of Amnesty International, and Sue Bradford, CHOGM Action Coalition. (Glenda Wakeham) SOUTH AFRICA - serious assassination jitters in wake of Yitzhak Rabin's killing, precautions boosted. I/v with correspondent Anthony Johnson about concern over level of security for President Mandela at CHOGM. (Mng Rpt) HOSPITALS - news that fee-paying patients soon to get treatment at public hospitals worries many people lingering on growing waiting lists. (Helen Matterson) FIRE - 4 police officers brave Rotorua house fire to rescue young child, elderly woman and 2 men. Live i/v with Senior Fire Station Officer Colin Taylor.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS HOSPITALS - RHAs want hsopitals to be mindful they are still their biggest clients, concerned about any conflict of interest that could face public hospitals when they start admitting fee-paying patients. Comment from Gary Wilson, chief exec of North Health RHA. (Helen Matterson); live i/v with chief exec of AK CHE, Dennis Pickup. CHOGM - Nigeria likely to be hot potato. Actions of military dictatorhip likely to test Commonwealth's commitment to Harare Declaration on Good Government. Comment from PM Jim Bolger. (Karen Fisher); Nigerian ken Wiwa says his father's life and lives of 8 others sentenced to death depend on actions of Commonwealth leaders. Mr Wiwa's father, Ken Saro-Wiwa, sentenced to death in trial described as farce by several western govts. Live i/v with Ken Wiwa. BOOKER PRIZE - Salman Rushdie, still under threat of death from Iran, hot favourite for Britain's top literary award for latest work "The Moor's Last Sigh". I/v with Richard Ingram, former "Private Eye" editor and current editor of "The Oldie", about the status of the Booker Prize.(Mng Rpt)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER TANEATUA - negotiations underway to try to resolve latest Māori occupation. Activist Tama Iti and about dozen supporters have moved into empty Taneatua rail yards and occupied building. Comment from Mr Iti and Helen Morgan-Banda of Tranzrail. (Peter Fowler) LABOUR PARTY - MPs at caucus retreat on West Coast told to stip airing dirty laundry in public, told to more aggressively promote Labour's policies and party list. Comment from leader Helen Clark and MP Pete Hodgson. (Kathryn Street) PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES ALLIANCE - former Democrat leader Gary Knapp says New Labour Party trying to dominate grouping at expense of other parties. He's i/ved live; live i/v with Alliance leader Jim Anderton. QUEEN AND PRINCE PHILIP now in AK, will be there for rest of week. Today is last day of engagements not related to CHOGM. (Paula Penfold) WINE - chair of Wine Inst., John Buck, flying to Europe to hold urgent talks with french and Belgian wine industry leaders about NZ's proposed wine treaty with European Union. John Buck says treaty will provide long term access to EU but sticking point is word "reserve". (Mng Rpt) REGIONAL WEATHER
0830 NEWS/SPORTS CRICKET - NZ'S cricketers face India again in few hours in 3rd test in Cuttack, near Calcutta. What are their chances? I/v with commentator Brian Waddle. (Mng Rpt) COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - cross-examination of Dr Robin Congreve continues today. Yesterday inquiry heard about setting up of tax deals by NZ companies in Cook Islands and circumstances surrounding purchase of Fay Richwhite by Capital Markets. (Bronwen Evans) WELLINGTON's new mayor Mark Blumsky changes his mind on election issue, whether chief exec Angela Griffin should be invlived in consultancy advising other local authorities. Mr Blumsky i/ved live. RAPE - trial opens in Okinawa of 3 US servicemen charged with rape of local schoolgirl. One defendant admits rape. Incident has led to calls for end to US presence on island. (Stephen Engle) BRITAIN - Parliamentary committee critical of govt for failing to adequately test anti-nerve gas drugs given to British troops in Gulf War. Live i/v with correspondent Keith Chalkley about that, House of Horrors trial, and Princess Diana saying she'll never take another lover.