Morning report. 1995-11-14

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Broadcast Date
14 Nov 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones.
0700 NEWS CHOGM ENDS with communique release spelling out leaders' vision of democratic Commonwealth. Comment from PM Jim Bolger, Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohammed, and secretary general Chief Emeka Anyaoku. (Janice Rodenburg) CHOGM/NIGERIA - Nigerian Foreign minister Chief Tom Ikimi says country's Suspension over executions of activists was "premeditated punitive action" reached without Commonwealth consensus. CHOGM - Commonwealth coommittee will monitor members' adherence to Harare Declaration setting out basic principles of democracy and human rights. NZ Foreign minister Don McKinnon one of the committee - he's i/ved live. TRANZRAIL's safety record being scrutinised after derailment at weekend claims life of passenger. Comment Christine Seymour of Tranzrail and Ray Howe, Transport Accident Investigation Commission. (Leigh-Anne Wiig) NELSON MANDELA - church service in his honour in AK, hears criticism of NZ govt's policies towards Māori and its economic direction. Act of Nelson mandela, Ripeka Evans, and vox pops. (Adam Hollingworth); live i/v with anti-apartheid campaigner John Minto. FERRIES - 3 WN businessmen launch new passenger-only Cook Strait service between Picton and Porirua harbour. Comment from WN region harbourmaster Mike Price, Ed Baigent of North South Ferries, and Tony Martin, Maritime Safety Authority. (Ana Olykan)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS STATUTORY HOLIDAYS - implications of Employment Court decision still being discussed. Live i/v with Kathleen Skudder, human resources manager of WN Parkroyal Hotel; ruling sparks calls from Employers' Fedn for review of Holidays Act. Live i/vs with MPs Max Bradford, who supports a review, and Steve Maharey, who says it's over-reaction. AUCKLAND HEALTH CARE CHE - chief exec Dennis Pickup becomes 10th CHE head to resign since CHEs set up 3 years ago, will step down in May. (Sacha Hardy) MELANOMA - Cancer Society critical of govt for not providing lead in getting schools to protect children from sun, says neither Health nor Education ministry addressing issue. Comment from Society's health promotion co-ordinator Helen Glasgow, and Taradale primary school principal Alan McMillan. (Maria Slade) COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY cross-examines Carter Holt Harvey witnesses today. Company secretary David Flacks told inquiry he's unable to produce certain documents becuase director of subsidiary based in Cook Islands refuses to release them. Live i/v with "National Business Review" editor Fran O'Sullivan.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER CHOGM marked by controversy over nuclear tests and Nigeria, prompting renewed debate on relevance of Commonwealth as whole, and meeting in particular, live i/v with secretary general Chief Emeka Anyaoku. SHELL OIL says boycott of products, as suggested by Greenpeace, because of execution of Nigerian activists would not be fair. Comment from Michael Szabo, Greenpeace, and John Barry, Shell Oil. (Stephen Parker) PAPERS/ASPAC HEADS TRAIN DERAILMENT - Alliance leader Jim Anderton says latest accident is part of series, anxious to ensure safety standards not suffering in Tranzrail drive for profitability. He's i/ved live; live i/v with Tranzrail managing director Francis Small. CHOGM - live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher and Allen Wheatly, Reuter's London office, about the conference and the media attention. REGIONAL WEATHER
0830 NEWS/SPORTS NEPAL - rescuers evacuate over 230 people, nearly half foreign trekkers, trapped in Himalayas after avalanche kills more than 40 people. Live i/v with AK adventure travel agent Lindsay Cowan about conditions in Himalayas at this time of year. BRITAIN - House of Horrors case, could be as many as 20 more bodies besides 9 already found, buried away from house, according to testimony from witness Janet Leach. I/v with reporter Andrew Bomford. THOMAS MURDER TRIALS - defence opens case, indicates it will produce several witnesses to challenge Crown case. (Merle Nowland) REFERENDUM - first Citizens Initiated Referendum under way, re number of professional firefighters. Live i/v with Chief Electoral officer Phil Whelan, about how it works. COMMENT SOUTH AFRICA - live i/v with correspondent Anthony Johnson, about perceptions of CHOGM, President Mandela, and Winnie Mandela. CHOGM - head of security Supt Bryan Rowe pleased with way police handled operation. (Sacha Hardy) UNITED STATES - all but essential govt services will shut down after President Clinton vetoes Congress Bill to extend US debt limit. 800,000 govt workers will be laid off. President Clinton finds Bill unacceptable because it includes increased medical costs for elderly and cuts in education and environmental programmes. (Connie Lawn) NELSON MANDELA visiting Turangawaewae marare in Ngaruawahia today at invitation of Dame Te Atairangikaahu. Live i/v with Tainui Trust Board manager David Maru.