Morning report. 1995-12-08

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Broadcast Date
08 Dec 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones.
0700 NEWS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - tough new measures added to legislation going through Parliament, prohibit people who have protection orders against them from possessing firearms and give police power to confiscate weapons. Comment from MPs Joy McLauchlan, Jenny Shipley, Brian Neeson, Diane Yates, Alec Neill. (Anna Hughes); live i/v with Maria Bradshaw, spokesperson for National Collective of illegible Refuges. TONY GUY TRIAL - former DN ENT surgeon found guilty on 6 out of 11 indecency charges. (Corinne Ambler) CAVE CREEK - "National Business Week" says inquiry ignored submission from former DoC training officer Allan Wasmuth that he'd argued at least 6 times at head office for safety improvements in high risk activities. Mr Wasmuth declines further comment. Live i/v with Keith Johnston, DoC's exec manager of strategic development. ACCIDENT COMPENSATION - govt announces new employers' levies for ACC today, increases of about 20% expected. Live i/v with Employers' Fedn chief exec Steve Marshall. MICHAEL JACKSON reported to be in stable condition in New York hospital after collapsing during rehearsal for television special. No sign of his wife, Lisa Marie Presley Jackson. Live i/v with correspondent Judy Lessing about the media attention.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS INDONESIA - 20th anniversary of occupation of East Timor, demonstrators march on Indonesian embassy in WN. Live i/v with Labour MP Phil Goff, who's calling for NZ's military links with Indonesia to be severed; Foreign minister Don illegible declines to respond to Mr Goff. INDONESIA - more than hundred East Timorese protestors occupy Dutch and Russian embassies in Jakarta. Live i/v with correspondent John McBeth. HEALTH SERVICE - diabetic superannuitant Albert Laver says his treatment at hands of Income Support and South Auckland Health almost killed him, says he was batted backand forth as the two agencies squabbled and stalled over who should pay for $165 meter to monitor his insulin level. Comment also from Labour MP Ross Robertson. SHARKS - live i/v with marine biologist Wade Doak who's been monitoring shark numbers around Pacific, says numbers are declining.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - Sporting Shooters' Assn believes changes to Bill will not solve problems it sets out to address. Spokesperson John Dyer says move goes too far. He's i/ved live; live i/v with Dorothy Palleson of Nelson whose daughter was shot by former husband, says law change would have saved life. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADS RUSSIA - winnntry conditions in Far East hamper search for TU-154 airliner reported missing with 96 people aboard. Incident, along with 2 fatal crashes in Azerbaijan earlier this week again raises concerns about safety standards in former soviet republics. I/v with correspondent Tracy Sutherland about search for plane. RABBIT VIRUS - vaccine to protect pet rabbits against calcivirus disease registered in NZ but will not be made available for vets to administer unless disease crosses Tasman. I/v with Dr Rami Cobb, technical manager for manufacturer Cyanimid. (Mng Rpt) REGIONAL WEATHER
0830 NEWS/SPORTS MATERNITY SERVICES - Nurses' Society angry about Northern RHA propoal to contract out maternity services to one or more private hospitals. Comment from Society's David Wills, and North Health's maternity manager Sam Denny. GOLF - round 2 of NZ Open starts at The Grange in Ajk today. Live i/v with commentator Gary Ahern. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY back before Court of Appeal today with European Pacific lawyers challenging ruling by inquiry head Sir Ronald Davison. Live i/v with "National Business Review" editor Fran O'Sullivan. COMMENT CHILDREN'S TELEVISION - new standards for advertising and sponsorship announced in code drawn up by TVNZ and TV3. Live i/v with Colleen Lockie, chair of Children's Television Fndn. illegible SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes about week's events across the Tasman.