Morning report. 1995-12-14

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Broadcast Date
14 Dec 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones.
0700 NEWS TAX CUTS - govt's bid to help low and middle income earners with tax cut package fails to convince opposition parties. Comment from Labour's Finance spokesman Michael Cullen, deputy Alliance leader Sandra Lee and United NZ's Peter Dunne. (Anna Hughes); live i/v with Finance minister Bill Birch; Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans i/ved live about markets reaction. illegible PEACEKEEPER'S body found in Rome. Capt Kelly Banks serving with UNPROFOR in former Yugoslavia apparently murdered. Live i/v with correspondent Frances Kennedy. FLOODS - busy night for flood controllers in Otago and South Canterbury. River banks sandbagged and people evacuated from Alexandra, Roxborough, Lauder and Ophir. Worst in South Canty appears to be over, according to Canty Regional Council flood controller David Thompson. (Mng Rpt) CHINA - prominent dissident Wei Jingsheng sentenced to 14 years jail after being found guilty of attempting to subvert govt. (BBC)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS LIQUOR SALES - MP Max Bradford's illegible to allow sales in supermarkers on Sundays defeated in Parliament by 43 votes to 35. Act. of Doug Graham, Jenny Shipley, Geoff Braybrooke. (Kathryn Street); i/v with Mr Bradford. (Mng Rpt); live i/v with MP Rick Barker who voted against Bill. CAVE CREEK - PSA defends DoC members after criticism from director general Bill Mansfield and exec manager Keith Johnston that West Coast staff "failed to judge the risks" of building platform that collapsed, killing 14 people. Live i/v with PSA organiser Daryl Collins. PARLIAMENT - Standing Orders reviewed by committee of senior politicians who illegible optimistic changes will result in improvement in public perception of Parliament. Comment from committee members Wyatt Creech and Jonathan Hunt and various MPs. (Janice Rodenburg)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS' STRIKE - 3rd day starts smoothly, according to airlines in main centres. Live report from Corinne Ambler. FLOODS - live i/v with Snr Sgt Brian Seymour of Alexandra police about situation in town. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY over for year with Brierleys chief exec Paul Collins concluding his evidence at lunchtime yesterday. A look back at year's proceedings. (Martin Gibson); live i/v with NBR editor Fran O'Sullivan. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADS WENITA FOREST PRODUCTS decides to continue battling for right to build and operate timber plant on Taieri Plains near DN. Otago Regional Council has declined its application to discharge pollutants into air. Live i/v with Wenita's joint managing director Craig Sheffield. OPTOMETRISTS ASSN concerned by moves to deregulate eye glasses market. MP Peter Dunne putting forward private member's Bill to change Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Act to allow greater competition and bring down prices. Assn says he hasn't got all the facts. Live i/v with president Ron Fife. REGIONAL WEATHER
0830 NEWS/SPORTS ELECTIONS - National Party selects MP Katherine O'Regan to stand against N.Z. First leader Winston Peters in Tauranga next year. She's i/ved live. BULK FUNDING - tomorrow (Friday) last day for schools to choose bulk funding system for next year. Less than 5% have so far taken up option but more are joining up as deadline approaches. Comment from AK Girls Grammar head Maureen Wilson, PPTA president Roger Tobin and Ron Robert, Wakatipu High School head. (Maria Slade) N.Z. PEACEKEEPER - body of Capt Kelly Banks found in Rome. He was i/ved a few days ago about his role with UNPROFOR. (Mike Yardley) COMMENT INDIA - speculation of private agreement between PM P V Narasimha Rao and Sri Lankan president over guerrilla war being fought against Tamil Tigers. I/v with Delhi correspondent Ranjan Gupta, who also talks about India-China relations re Dalai Lama. (Mng Rpt) FRUIT AND VEG REPORT with Jack Forsythe.