Morning report. 1996-01-24

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Broadcast Date
24 Jan 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Janice Aplin
0700 NEWS NUCLEAR TESTS - media reports from Geneva disarmament conference say there have been leaks of radioactive material during latest testing in South Paciic - illegible amounts of iodine 191 discovered. France denies reports. I/v with Yves illegible French foreign ministry. (Mng Rpt) UNITED PARTY'S Finance spokesman Peter Dunne says National is best party for United to work with in foreseeable future, is more worthy guardian of market economy. Live i/v with Mr Dunne and Michael Cullen, Labour's Finance spokesman. AGING TASKFORCE - govt acts on United suggestion of setting up taskforce to look at how to deal with aging population. Comment from PM Jim Bolger. (Janice Rodenburg) CANCER - Whangarei GP Dr Carol McAllum says Northland cancer patients would be put under enormous stress if they have to travel to AK for chemotherapy. Northhealth's manager of medical and surgical services, Mary-Anne Boyd says negotiations continuing with Northland Health and AK Health on funding. (Mng Rpt) UNITED STATES - President Clinton makes state of the union address today amid controversy over budget fight with Congress and questions hanging over Mrs Clinton's involvement in Whitewater affair. Live i/v with Martin Walker, Washington correspondent for "The Guardian".
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS WEATHER forecasters warn Gisborne-East Coast residents to prepare for subtropical cyclone expected in day or so. Live i/v with forecaster Bob illegible. REFUGEES - Labour's Immigration spokeswoman Annette King says lack of funding for English language tuition in schools will result in backlash against refugee children. WN's Lyall Bay school concerned some children struggling because no money available to teach them English. Principal Dennis Thompson comments. (Peter Fowler); ive i/v with Immigration minister Roger Maxwell. ADOLESCENT PROSTITUTION happening in NZ for years, says head of AK's Sexual Health Service, Dr Rick Franklin. CH police cracking down on group, some only 13, who've been strretwalking. (Anita Lee) AIRPORT - Malaysian and Singaporean investors interested in NZ's newest international airport at Hamilton. Local body sharholders also having to consider offers from closer to home. (Charlotte Glennie) CRICKET - NZ declares in match against Zimbabwe, with 19 overs remaining at 441 for 5. Chris Cairns and Craig Spearman both scored centuries. Live i/v with commentator Brian Waddle.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER SERIAL RAPE - Operation Harvey police optimistic of better co-operation from South AK men than in last serial rape inquiry. Comment from Manurewa MP George Hawkins. (Paula Penfold) COALITION - United MP Peter Dunne rules out Labour as coalition partner because of flirtations with Alliance and NZ First. Live i/v with Chief Parliamentary Reporter Janice Rodenburg about likely political allegiances in run-up to MMP. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY resumes in AK today, with Brierley executives expected to continue evidence. Live i/v with "National Business Review" investigations editor Frances O'Sullivan; live i/v with NZ First leader Winston Peters whose campaign lead to inquiry. FILM COMMISSION says Waitakere City Council's moves to gain more control over filming in area may drive away film-makers. Comment from Richard Stewart, NZ Film Commission, and Paul Loew, Waitakere's district plan committee chair. (Lydia Monin)
0830 NEWS/SPORTS MRSA, drug-resistant bacterium that attacks skin and mucous membranes if it comes in contact with wounds, moving into community from hospitals. What's the extent of the problem? I/v with Helen Heffernan, scientist at Communicable Disease Centre. (Mng Rpt) EDUCATION - govt's controversial scheme to send needy children to private schools begins with start of school year. Comment from unidentified parents. (Maria Slade) illegible WATERCARE SERVICES to announce final plans today for upgrade to Mangere waste-water treatment plant. Plant at present unable to cope with amount of raw sewage produced in AK. Live i/v with Watercare spokesman Owen Cook. COMMENT TURKEY - live i/v with correspondent Semi Idiz: 9 pro-Chechen gunmen still in custody following ferry drama; man arrested after marrying 13 year old British tourist.