Morning report. 1996-02-09

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Broadcast Date
09 Feb 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0616 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS STATE OF THE NATION SPEECH - PM Jim Bolger outlines govt's achievements, promises to keep tackling unemployent, settle Treaty claims and improve education opportunities. (q). Labour leader Helen Clark and Alliance leader Jim Anderton both critical; PPTA president Martin Cooney rejects Mr Bolger's comments about PPTA being resistant to change; live i/v with Mr Bolger. WAITANGI CLAIMS - govt plan to resolve large number of claims involving land taken for public works. Comment from Treaty Negotiations minister Doug Graham and Waitangi Tribunal acting director Ian Shearer,. (Anna Hughes); live i/v with Ngai Tahu Trust Board chair Sir Tipene O'Regan, who says proposal could be single most arrogant statement of govt's position he's read. SRI LANKA goes on diplomatic offensive as it tries to sort out problem over World Cricket Cup matches. So far only Kenya and Zimbabwe have agreed to play, following Colombo bomb blast. Live i/v with correspondent Amal Jayasinghe.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS ROAD TOLL - latest fatality statistics released by Land Transp;ort Safety Authority show drop, 37 deaths so far this year, 26 fewer than last. Comment from Asst Police Commissioner Phil Wright and Reg Barrett, director of land Transport Safety Authority. (Ann Marie Cresswell) GUNMAN - Palmerston North police manhunt fails to find armed man who broke into woman's home demanding money and shot her in chest during struggle. Woman now recovering from surgery to remove bullet. Live i/v with Acting Snr Sgt Nick illegible. HIGH COURT TRIALS - Tranzrail on charge of criminal nuisance in Morgan Jones case and Stuarty Wilson on 25 sex and violence charges. (Merle Nowland) MORGAN JONES CASE - first week of trial draws to close with prosecution's case almost completed. (Anita Lee) COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - revealed that Inland Revenu Dept approached Bank of NZ to discuss ways of diffusing publicity about tax deals being created by NZ First leader Winston Peters. Live i/v with "National Business Review" editor Fran O'Sullivan; i/v with Winston Peters. (Mng Rpt)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS - 3rd strike appears likely after talks with Airways Corpn fail to make progress. Live i/v with Corpn's operations manager Ken McLean. TRADE MISSION - DN mayor Sukhi Turner knows nothing of suggestions that DN trade mission to Shanghai is off because of her opposition to it. Mayor says she won't go to China because of its record on human rights and continued nuclear testing. She's i/ved. (Mng Rpt) PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES RACE RELATIONS CONCILIATOR - Dr Rajen Prasad appointed, takes over from John Clark in March, says moving office back to AK is strong possibility. Comment also from former conciliator Wally Hirsch and Ethnic Fedn Council chair Nagalingam Rasalingam. (Helen Matterson) WAIMEA COLLEGE staff vote against taking further strike action but will work-to-rule following board's decision to opt for bulk funding. Live i/v with spokesman Roger Ledingham.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS DAVIS CUP - NZ favourite in tie against China starting today in CH. Live i/v with coach Jeff Simpson. LABOUR LEADER Helen Clark criticises Alliance economic policy, fuelling speculation as to whether talks with Alliance about better relationship are serious; live i/v with Alliance leader Jim Anderton. BOEING CRASH - aviation experts ttrying to piece together last moments of flight which crashed off Dominican Republic coast with 189 people on board. Rescuers widen search but don't expect to find any occupants alive. I/v with BBC's Hilary Bishop. COMMENT OZ SPOT - a look at week's events across Tasman ( election campaign) with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes, live i/v.