Morning report. 1996-02-23

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Broadcast Date
23 Feb 1996
RNZ Collection

0700 NEWS STUART WILSON found guilty on 22 of 25 charges relating to offences against women. Police officer leading investigation, Det Colin McKay, relieved, i/ved live illegible GARDENS -Wanganui District Council allows Wanganui Māori to use gardens for week starting today for cultural activities but permission does not include people staying overnight on site. Activist Ken Mair says Māori still discussing terms, gives no guarantees rules will be followed. Comment also from mayor Chas Poynter, and Brian Turner of One Wanganui. (Peter Fowler); live i/v with councillor Steven Palmer, who proposed permission for cultural activities at gardens and councillor Pam Ernie who opposed the motion. GREENPEACE INTERNATIONAL strategists were prepared to sink Rainbow Warrior II during recent protests at Mururoa, according to former campaign co-ordinator Paul McGee. (Wayne Brittenden) U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION - Republican front-runner Pat Buchanan pressing on with protectionist, anti free trade message. How would his success affect NZ trade? I/v with Trade minister Philip Burdon. (Mng Rpt).
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORT FILM "Seven" now restricted to people aged 18 and over. Film and Literature Board of Review takes unusual step of reclassifying film from R16 after request from member of public. Live i/v with Chief Censor Kathryn Patterson. WAGES - Emplolyers' Fedn hails latest wage statistics as sign gains from economic growth are working way into paypackets but Council of Trade Unions illegible wages still lagging behind inflation. Comment from Employers' Fedn's Steve Marshall, CTU president Ken Douglas, and Australian economist Wolfgang Kasper. (Bronwen Evans) AUSTRALIAN ELECTION CAMPAIGN - PM Paul Keating mobbed by hundreds of Catholic schoolgirls in Sydney. Rival John Howard not impressed. Live i/v with reporter Kathryn Street. CRIPPLED TANKER "Sea Empress" now tied up in port almost week after running aground off Welsh coast and losing more than half of its 130,000 tonnes of oil. Live i/v with Derek Bates, coastguard station officer at Milford Haven.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER IMMIGRATION - National's Katherine O'Regan raises issue of NZ First's Winston Peters' business involvement in law firm offering immigration advice. Govt concerned at Mr Peters' attack on its immigration policy which is resulting in rise in polls for both him and his party. (Janice Rodenburg) SMOG - Canty Regional Council study shows that up to 29 deaths a year in CH may be linked to air pollution and also indicates up to 45 hospital admissions for respiratory difficulties, cardiopulmonary disease and asthma may be linked to smog. Live i/v with chair of Council's environmental monitoring committee, Councillor Roger Tasker. GREENPEACE - live i/v with Greenpeace NZ's Stephanie Mills in reply to claims made by former Greenpeace International activist Paul McGee. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES MāORI EDUCATION TRUST - Northern Māori MP Tau Henare calls for Parliamentary inquiry into Trust following allegations by staff members of mismanagement. Comment from lawyer representing staff, Donna Hall, and Rawiri Brell, Education ministry. (Anita Lee) FORTEX - trial continues in CH High Court of company's former head, Graham Thompson, who's denying 16 charges of false accounting and making false statements. Live i/v with reporter Kevin Ikin.
0830 NEWS/SPORT BRAZIL CARNIVAL - Sao Paulo police adding up number of murders that happened during 4 days of festivities. Count in city now stands at over 200. Live i/v with correspondent Jan Rosher. COOK ISLAND govt says keywitnesses appearing before tax inquiry could face court action in Cook Islands if they breach secrecy provisions of tax laws. Comment from High Commissioner in WN< laveta Short. INDIA - police file charges against 14 more politicians in growing corruption scandal, including 5 former govt ministers. Charges also being laid against illegible leaders, and chief minister of state of Delhi also facing prosecution. I/v with correspondent Ranjan Gupta. POSSUMS - WN chef Mike Marsland making possum casserole, says it's selling well. He's i/ved live. COMMENT OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes. (swimmer and coach punished for her headache relief, election campaign)