Morning report. 1996-02-27

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Broadcast Date
27 Feb 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS FORTEX - founder and former managing director Graeme Thompson found guilty on 12 charges of fraud. Comment from Keith Stanbury, North Canty Liaison Committee of Unsecured Farmer Creditors, and Darryl McKenzie, Canty Meat Workers' Union; illegible i/v with reporter Kevin Ikin. RUGBY LEAGUE - Australian Rugby league and Murdoch-backed Superleague continue domination battle in courts, with final decision delayed until later today. ARL has obtained injunction against Superleague delaying start of its competition; AK Warriors pledge allegiance to Superleague; live i/v with Superleague spokesman Trevor McKewan; live i/v with league commentator Alan McLachlan. MOUTOA GARDENS - Wanganui District Councillor Stephen Palmer, who put motion to allow Māori to commemmorate Moutoa occupation, says he'll be disappointed if Māori don't honour undertakings given. Tupoho sub-tribe elder John Maihi says he'll honour ruling re accommodation on site only until it clashes with tkianga concerning hospitality. Live i/vs with both.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS COOK ISLANDS - pressure from Asia Development Bank and NZ govt blamed for public service pay cuts. (15%). Live i/v with "Cook Islands Press" editor Barbara Dreaver. PHARMAC - drug company legal action against Pharmac escalating, with 5 applications for civil proceedings in High Court involving companies unhappy with way Pharmac determines subsidies on medicines. Comment from David Ross of Merck Sharp and Dohme, Warwick Tong of Glaxo Wellcome and Alistair Scott, astroenterologist. (Helen Matterson); live i/v with Pharmac chief exec David Moore. HAING S NGOR, Canbodian doctor who won Academy Award in 1984 for portrayal of Cambodian journalist Dith Pran in "The Killing Fields" found dead outside home in Los Angeles, apparently from gunshot wound. Live i/v with correspondent Richard Arnold.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER AUSTRALIAN ELECTION CAMPAIGN - Labour and Liberals now putting more effort into adverts and "managed" appearances in media in final week of campaign. (Kathryn Street) MOUTOA GARDENS - cultural events planned for today as activists commemmorate last year's protest action. They expect a number of visitors who, they say, will need accommodation. Live i/v with reporter Karlum Lattimore. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES ACCIDENT COMPENSATION reforms proposed by group including Fed Farmers, Insurance Council, Business Round Table, and Employers Fedn, want ACC opened up to private competition. ACC minister Doug Kiddd critical; i/v with Simon Arnold, spokesman for group, "Choice in Accident Compensation Campaign". (Mng Rpt) AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS' dispute with Airways Corpn takes new turn. Controllers' union, Airline Pilots' Assn, gives notice of further industrial action banning overtime from March 11. Airways Corpn gives up attempt to negotiate national collective contract and will offer contracts to each workplace. Operations manager Ken Mclean writes to union asking it to name who it represents in negotiations. Comment from Mr Mclean, union negotiator Adam Nicholson, and employment lawyer Peter Cullen. (Mark Henderson) NORTHERN IRELAND - live i/v with correspondent Wayne Brittenden about peace process. INVERCARGILL mayor Mark Winter says residents worried anbout increasing gang tension, following discovery of explosives near gang HQ in city. He's i/ved live. SECONDARY TEACHERS' STRIKE planned for next week highlighting argument over performance pay scales. Management expert Dr Peter Boxall, AK Univ, says govt should look at other ways of improving teachers' performance. Comment also from employment consultant Francis Wevers. (Corinne Ambler) WORLD TRADE ORGN director-general Renato Ruggerio visiting NZ to discuss illegible trade policy with PM and officials. He's i/ved. (Mng Rpt) COMMENT RUSSIA - i/v with correspondent Tracy Sutherland about campaign for presidential election in June. How badly is Mr Yeltsin doing?