Morning report. 1996-02-28

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Broadcast Date
28 Feb 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS COOK ISLANDS seeks help from NZ re financial difficulties. Head of Finance ministry, Lloyd Powell, in NZ for talks. Live i/v with Democratic Alliance oppostion Finance spokesman Norman George. illegible LEAGUE - Australian Federal Court rules Super League can't start this season or use players or coaches previously contracted to Australian Rugby league. (Stephen Hewson); i/v with Rugby League commentator Alan McLachlan. (Mng Rpt) MOUTOA GARDENS - about 60 people gather to mark anniversary of occupation of gardens but are hosted overnight at other Wanganui marae. About dozen people spend night in gardens. Live i/v with reporter Karlum Lattimore; Geoff Holloway, in charge of operation, says Māori tikanga obliging tangata whenua to give shelter to guests shouldn't necessarily mean breaking Wanganui District Council's restrictions on people staying overnight in gardens. (Karlum Lattimore) AUSTRALIAN ELECTION CAMPAIGN - Bulletin-Morgan poll puts opposition Coalition in front of Labor by only 2 points. (Kathryn Street) CRICKET - NZ team makes quarter-finals of World Cup, beating United Arab Emirates by 109 runs. I/v with commentator Brian Waddle.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS GREENPEACE in court in Los Angeles today In effort to get France to return ship seized off Mururoa lastyear. Group buys another ocean-going campaign ship. (Don Rood) BRITISH PENSIONS - NZ govt denies it initiated new system which means illegible will now be paid from London. Labour says it has papers proving NZ officials, rather than British govt, initiated move. Live i/vs with Social Welfare minister Peter Gresham and Labour spokeswoman Annette King. VALUE AIRLINES - former Ansett pilot Phil Maguire setting up domestic carrier in competition with Ansett and Air NZ, plans to be operating by Oct/Nov. Comment also from Ewan Wilson of Kiwi Air, and Peter Lowry, Travel Agents Assn. (Mark Henderson) BRITISH PM John Major survives by 1 vote a crucial vote of confidence over arms sales to Iraq. Appears deal may have been made with Ulster Unionists to survive vote. Live i/v with correspondent Des Fahy.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER COOK ISLANDS - live i/v with NZ First leader Winston Peters about Cook Islands financial crisis and appeal for help. RURAL SECTOR troubles discussed at meeting between Meat and Wool Council and Reserve Bank. (Bronwen Evans) RUGBY LEAGUE - future for Super, League looks grim. What can Rupert Murdoch do to salvage investment? Live i/v with Wayne Hope, Murdoch analyst and communications lecturer. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES JOHN BANKS a finalist in annual radio awards, makes shortlist in Best Non-Breakfast personality and Best New Broadcaster categories in 1996 NZ Radio Awards. (Marie Hosking) PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN - Arizona next Republican primary. Pat Buchanan counting on momentum to carry him through, while Bob Dole hoping to get campaign back on track. Live i/v with correspondent Judy Lessing.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS COOK ISLANDS - head of Cook Islands Finance ministry in NZ to ask govt for more money. Live i/v with Pacific Island Affairs minister Don McKinnon. NORTH HEALTH launches programme to redce number of children admitted to hospital in AK region. Specialised nurses to go into homes to ensure children with problems such as asthma and bronchitis are getting proper treatment. (Sacha Hardy) TAX CUTS - govt not concerned about legislation being passed despite Conservative Party breaking coalition arrangements. National also facing possibility of losing another 2 MPs next week, but coalition deal with United NZ to be announced today. Live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher. GENERAL GRANT goldseekers returning home after searching wreck off Auckland Islands. Bill Day and crew have decided wreck probably not General Grant which illegible said to be still holding gold worth anything up to $160 million. Live i/v with Bill Day. COMMENT CANADA - unemployment big issue facing govt, with debate also raging over goods and services tax and rewrite of human rights charter banning discrimination against homosexuals, live i/v with Dave Trafford. Talk-640 radio station in Toronto .