Morning report. 1996-03-08

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Broadcast Date
08 Mar 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS IMMIGRATION minister Roger Maxwell facing legal action over statements about activitie of AK law firm with connection to NZ First leader Winston Peters. Statements made as he announced audit of immigration applications from Bangaldesh. Comment from Mr Maxwell and Mr Peters. (Janice Rodenburg); live i/v with Winston Peters; live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher about political ramifications of row. POLICE STATISTICS show reported crime increased slightly last year while number of cases solved dropped slightly. Fraud cases jumped by 22%, police unsure why. Comment from Police Commissioner Richard Macdonald. (Peter Fowler) CHECHNYA - Moscow-backed military command in capital Grozny under heavy attack from separatists. I/v with BBC correspondent Andrew Harding who's just returned to Moscow from Chechnya. (Mng Rpt)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB DISEASE - Taranaki Hospital reverses decision not to tell 2 patients they wer given blood donated by man suspected of dying of disease. Hospital believed risk of patients catching disease so low it was not worth causing them unnecessary anxiety. Comment from hospital's medical director Richard Doehring. (Paula Penfold); live i/v with AK medico-legal barrister David Carden who says patients should have been told at the outset. HEART RELATED DISEASE - new study confrims clear diference between Europeans and Māori and Pacific Island peoples' health, show that while instance of death from coronary heart disease decreasing over all, Māori and Pacific Islanders far more likely to die from it than Europeans. (Eileen Cameron); live i/v with report co-author Dr Boyd Swinburne. UNLEADED PETROL - oil companies canvassing motor vehicle industry to see if part supplied are compatible with new unleaded octane 96, following incident in which petrol damaged carburettor seals and caused fuel leak in car engine fitted to light plane. (Helen Matterson) SECONDARY TEACHERS - PPTA approached State Services Commission in fresh bid to get talks back on track, says 2 groups have agreed not to talk publicly about issues from today. SSC concerned about what it describes as misunderstandings re talks. (Leigh-Anne Wiig)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER ENVIRONMENT - lawyer for Coromandel Watchdog group, Dennis Tegg, concerned Planning Tribunal's decision to award $20,000 costs against group will send wrong message to environmentalists. Group appealed decision allowing mining company to increase levels of cyanide and ammonia discharged into local streams. Live i/v with Dennis Tegg. PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN - New York primary today, seems set to put seal on Bob Dole's campaign although Steve Forbes and Pat Buchanan still contenders for Republican nomination. Live i/v with correspondent Judy Lessing. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES A.C.C. - Labour's Finance spokesman Michael Cullen concerned about amount of money ACC paying out to private investigators to snoop on claimants after receiving detailed report from investigation company on one of his constituents. Live i/v with Mr Cullen and AAC fraud national manager Patrick Cattermole.
0830 NEWS/WEATHER COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY focussed this week on evidence from former European Pacific financial controller David Lilly, a reluctant witness. 2 other former EP employees, Peter Brannigan and Anthony McCullagh, applying for leave to take case to Privy Council. Live i/v with "National Business Review" investigations editor Frances O'Sullivan. OIL - marine geologist Rick Herzer believes there could be oil deposits on ridges in Pacific Ocean to northwest of NZ. (Tino Pereira) KAIAPOI WOOLLEN MILLS - building owners, Cambolero Family Trust, seeking millions of dollars in damages against CH City Council re controversial heritage protection order placed on building 4 days after demolition began. (Claire Silvester) CALDER TRIAL - Merle Nowland reports on this week's evidence in trial of Vicky Calder for attempted murder of Prof David Lloyd. COMMENT OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes about week's events across Tasman.