Morning report. 1996-03-12

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Broadcast Date
12 Mar 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS UNLEADED PETROL - govt assured by oil industry the petrol is safe providing cars have rubber components meeting tolerance levels for it. Comment from oil industry spokesperson Beppie Holm. (Corinne Ambler); Energy minister Doug Kidd i/ved live re whether petrol should be withdrawn and govt doing more. SECONDARY TEACHERS call off planned further industrial action. Martin Cooney, PPTA president, explains why - i/ved live. RUGBY LEAGUE - Federal Court in NSW deals Super League severe blow, orders players to report to and play for Australian Rugby Legue within 48 hours or lose pay. Court bans Super League from being played anywhere in world until end of 1999. Live i/v with League correspondent Alan McLaughlin. FINANCIAL MARKETS still reacting to big dip on Wall St last Friday. Live i/v with Business presenter David Jones. CRICKET - Australia beats NZ by 6 wickets in World Cup quarter final in Madras. I/v with commentator Brian Waddle.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS PHARMACISTS - some may face disciplinary action after "Consumer" magazine survey finds many are not following guidelines for selling "restricted" medicines. Comment from "Consumer"s Peter Sutton, Pharmacy Guild president Bob Brady, and chief exec of Pharmaceutical Society, Jim Thomson. (Allanah Kalafatelis); live i/v with Dr Bob Boyd, Health ministry. TAIWAN - tension high over missile tests by China off coast. US sends another aircraft carrier and support ships to area. I/v with journalist Rupert Hayes in Taipeh. JOHN BANKS - more controversy, with Labour and United NZ raising questions about way taxpayers' funds used in his office. Mr Banks has hired as press secretary Paul Goldsmith, who's also helping him write his life story. Previous press secretary Joanna Woods going to Employment Court over loss of job. United leader Clive Matthewson says he'll raise appointment with PM today (q), while Labour's Trevor Mallard says there are questions to be answered. (Janice Rodenburg); Mr Banks issues statement saying Paul Goldsmith paid for work on biography by family trust. AUSTRALIA - new govt briefed by Treasury on latest budget forecasts. Live i/v with correspondent Pru Goward.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER COOK ISLANDS - more than half of all public servants could lose jobs if govt adopts recommendations from Asian Development Bank. Live i/v with Barbara Dreaver, "Cook Islands Press". UNLEADED PETROL - Land Transport Safety Authority taking keen interest in problem. Vehicle Safety manager Rob Martin not convinced public yet has full story. He's i/ved live. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES ARTS FESTIVAL pleasing patrons despite lack of big names. Comment from Festival director David Gascoigne and Elizabeth Alley of National Radio. (Mark Henderson) CRICKET - NZ's match against Australia close fought, with NZ posting highest-ever World Cup score against Australia: 286 for 9 off 50 overs. Live i/v with captain Lee Germon. SATELLITE - rogue Chinese satellite now expected to land somewhere in Indian Ocean about 6pm this evening NZ time. Live i/v with Fit Lt Fritz Muse, Ballistic Missile Early Warning Centre in Yorkshire. HOUSING - Advisory Council for Senior Citizens (Internal Affairs Dept) reassures pensioners their council accommodation likely to continue. Most local authorities want to keep their current number of flats. Comment from David Smith of Internal Affairs, Don Robertson of Grey Power and CH mayor Vicki Buck. (Kiri Coughlan) SCANDINAVIAN GANGS - Hells Angels and Bandidos fight with automatic weapons in Copenhagen and Oslo, killing 1 man and injuring 4. About 40 people arrested in Denmark and Norway in connection with violence. Live i/v with Copenhagen correspondent Frank Powley. RUGBY LEAGUE - NZ Rugby League exec director Mike Knowles believes Australian Federal court decision has serious implications for game as whole and players fought up in the mess. He's i/ved live. COMMENT PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN - eve of Super Tuesday, viewed as make or break test for Republican nomination. Senator Bob Dole front runner, ahead of Pat Buchanan and Steve Forbes. Live i/v with correspondent Judy Lessing.