Morning report. 1996-03-19

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Broadcast Date
19 Mar 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International illegible Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS UNLEADED PETROL - govt limits aromatics levels to 50%, moving down to 48% over next 4 weeks. Live i/v with Energy minister Doug Kidd and oil industry spokesperson Beppie Holm; Doug Kidd has asked officials to check whether standards for rubber in engines are adequate. Most car parts sold by Motor Trade Assn members - live i/v with chief exec Brian Nelson. NEW ZEALAND FIRST PARTY moves into second place with Labour in latest opinion poll, up 9 points and taking support from all other parties, although National still comfortably ahead. Live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - 2 top former officials from Audit Office to give evidence today. (Adam Hollingworth) JONAH LOMU marries South African sweetheart Tanya Rutter in secret ceremony in south AK. I/v with Graeme Smethurst, owner of house where ceremony held. (Mng Rpt)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS TELECOM/CLEAR finally sign local interconnection agreement allowing Clear to use Telecom facilities to provide local phone service. Comment from Communications minister Maurice Williamson, Telecom chief exec Rod Deane and illegible Communications chief exec Andrew Makin. (Bronwen Evans); live i/v with Dr Deane and Mr Makin. SCOTLAND - first of Dunblane funerals take place for 4 of the children. Private ceremony with most of media responding to community's request to keep a decent distance. (Wayne Brittenden) AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY caucus meets today to select new leader. Kim Beazley likely successor to Paul Keating. Live i/v with correspondent Pru Goward. COOK ISLANDS - rumblings over govt's commitment to drastic measures needed to improve economy. Govt due to literally run out of money by May. Comment from Cook Islands PSA head Gill Vaiimene, and opposition MP Norman George. (Maria Slade) CALDER TRIAL - Crown evidence today expected to cover details of new test to detect poison Acrylomide. (Merle Nowland) FINANCE - offshore share prices strengthen with Wall St Dow Jones index leading the way. Business presenter David Jones reports live.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER UNLEADED PETROL - live i/v with analystical chemist Bob Symons, who's working on behalf of oil industry testing controversial new fuel. MāORI LEASEHOLD LAND - govt decides to introduce new laws to resolve grievances relating to perpetual rights for leaseholders and low returns for Māori owners. Comment from Māori Affairs minister John Luxton and Steve Marshall of Māori Land Authorities. (Anna Hughes) RUGBY LEAGUE - Super League players and coaches say they're prepared to return to ARL if it agrees to 15 point proposal. Live i/v with commentator Alan McLaughlin. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES POLICE COMMISSIONER'S position could be filled by a civilian, idea floated by Police minister John Luxton. Comment from former Commissioner John Jamieson, and David Burns, Massey Univ Police Studies Dept. (Karlum Lattimore); live i/v with Police minister John Luxton and Police Assn president Greg O'Connor.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS COOK ISLANDS - live i/v with "Cook Islands Press" editor Barbara Dreaver about current crisis. FIRE SERVICE suggests driver error could be to blame for serious accident near Taupo last year which injured 4 firefighters. Comment from Fire Service Commission chief exec Maurie Cummings and Derek Best of Firefighters' Union. (Stephen Parker) UNITED NEW ZEALAND'S Margaret Austin and husband Jack both standing for the party, she in Ilam against Labour's deputy leader David Caygill and he in illegible against Alliance leader Jim Anderton. Live i/vs with both. COMET - bright comet called Hyakutake, named after Japanese astronomer who first saw it with pair of binoculars, will be in our skies over next 5 days. Live i/v with Alan Gilmour of Mount John Observatory. COMMENT TAIWAN - tension high with Chinese conducting war games, US war fleet in region, and a tight election race. I/v with correspondent Belinda Caminada.