Morning report. 1996-03-20

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Broadcast Date
20 Mar 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International illegible Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS TAX CUTS - NZIER warns some families won't benefit much at first. Director John Yeabsley says likely inflationary pressures and expected higher interest rates will wipe out much of promised gains. He's i/ved live. BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE report recommends halving govt spending, privatising education and health services and selling national parks in order to promote vigourous economic growth. Comment from chair Doug Myers, Salvation Army's Major Campbell Roberts, MP Max Bradford, and Kevin Smith of Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society. (Maria Slade) HEALTH REFORMS - DN mayor Sukhi Turner urges voters to dump politicians who supported them, tells meeting that if health expenditure per head of population continues to decline, Dn will lose sophisticated surgical services and its medical school. She's i/ved live. SOUTH AFRICA - President Mandela granted divorce from wife Winnie who'd contested the case. I/v with correspondent Anthony Johnson. HOUSING - residents of AK's Freemans Bay plan to take to streets in effort to stop rental homes being sold off by council. Comment from resident, MP Sandra Lae, AK City Councillot Bruce Hucker, and Joe Hawke of Orakei Trust Board. illegible Russell) OPERATION HARVEY - inquiry head Det Insp Steve Rutherford releases physical and criminal profile of suspect on TV's "Crimewatch" programme. Live i/v with Operation Harvey media liaison Louise Matthews.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS SUPERANNUATION - NZ First claims Retirement Accord is finished, following meeting between PM Jim Bolger, Labour, Alliance and United representatives. Is the accord foundering? Live i/vs with Social Welfare minister Peter Gresham, Alliance leader Jim Anderton, and Labour's Social Welfare spokesperson Annette King. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - activities of Cook Islands govt under scrutiny, with evidence given by Terence Murphy, director of external Cook Islands audits 1987-1990. (Adam Hollingworth) JONAH LOMU - Rugby Union says it may have under-estimated pressure faced by Lomu and promises extra help. Comment from NZRFU chief exec David Moffat. (Stephen Parker) FINANCE - money markets update with Business presenter David Jones.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER IMMIGRATION - Race Relations Conciliator Rajan Prasad and NZ First leader Winston Peters meet to discuss policy, following dr Prasad's statement that politicians should not set policy that's to detriment of ethnic relations. Mr Peters says he wanted to ensure Conciliator understands party's position; live i/v with Dr Prasad. WATER - forum into possible privatisation of supply starts this morning in AK. Alliance describes forum as "gathering of the vultures", organises protest rally outside venue. Live report from Glenda Wakeham; live i/v with conference speaker Michael Porter, exec director of Tasman Institute. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES SCHOOL ZONING - govt moving back to it. Labour's Education spokesman David Caygill says govt has had to make u-turn because of pressure within own ranks regarding overcrowding and children being turned away from local school; Education minister Wyatt Creech says new Bill won't instigates zones as such; live i/v with president of AK branch of School Trustees Assn, John Riddell. CHINA/TAIWAN - China's military continues exercises off coast in what's seen as pressure from Beijing on candidates in Taiwan's election. Taipeh gearing up armed forces in return. (Belinda Caminada)
0830 NEW/SPORTS UNLEADED PETROL - Fire Service trying to keep track of number of car fires that might be related to new unleaded petrol. Live i/v with Stu Rooney, Service's national fire hazard management officer. illegible CHATHAMS - WN District Court rejects appeal against suspension from flying last month. Civil Aviation Authority revoked licence after discovering record keeping discrepancies it felt could indicate unsafe practices. Air Chathams plans another appeal and it trying to meet CAA's requirements. Comment from Craig Emeny, Chathams Air, and Kevin Ward of CAA. (Karlum Lattimore) KAIAPOI WOOLLEN MILLS - row in CH over whether to save the old building. City Council withdrew heritage order and owners started to demolish it, then Historic Places Trust stepped in with order halting demolition and compelling City Council to go through resource consent procedures. Live i/v with owners' spokesmab Grant Chappell and Historic Places Trust manager for heritage ocnservation, Stephen Rainbow. CALDER TRIAL - defence continues efforts to discredit new evidence backing Crown claim that Prof David Lloyd poisoned with acrylomide. (Merle Nowland) COMMENT RUSSIA - drive to re-establish Soviet Union. I/v with correspondent Tracy Sutherland about who's behind the bid. (Mng Rpt)