Morning report. 1996-03-27

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Broadcast Date
27 Mar 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International illegible Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS RABBIT VIRUS - MAF says preliminary results on kiwis given calicivirus disease show they failed to develop any symptoms. I/v with MAF official Dr Peter Kettle; live i/v with Federated Farmers president Graham Robertson. BSE - European Union reaffirms call for indefinite worldwide ban on British beef. Britain's National Farmers' Union suggesting cull of older cattle while vets say there are many more cases of BSE in European cattle than they would like to admit. (Keith Chalkley) PLUNKET SOCIETY blames health funding system for decision to close 4 family centres in North Island. Health minister Jenny Shipley says decision to close centres was Plunket's own and funding for society has grown each year since reforms. (q) Comment from child health researcher prof Bob Elliott and Dr John Teal, CH Hospital's head of paediatrics. (Sacha Hardy); live i/v with Plunket Society president Dianne Armstrong; live i/v with Health minister Jenny Shipley. MR1 21.3.96 CRICKET - NZ sets West Indies big total to chase in first 1 day international illegible in Jamaica. Live i/v with commentator Brian Waddle.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS WAITEMATA HEALTH CHE stops elective surgery for 3 months because it says there's no money to pay for it. All orthopaedic surgery at North Shore Hospital will cease from April. Live i/v with chair Lin Stoddart; North Health, RHA involved, says it can't extract more money from central govt. Live i/v with chair Gary Wilson. TRADE - Winston Peters uses series of speeches in DN to call for return to selective protectionism that would impose tariffs and barriers against nations that don't practice free trade with NZ. (Marie Hosking); Trade minister Philip Burdon quick to condemn call for "economic nationalism", says Winston peters is talking reactionary rubbish. (Janice Rodenburg) OSCARS - Mel Gibson wins Best Picture and Best Director awards for "Braveheart". Film also wins honours for cinematography, make-up and sound effects editing. Live i/v with correspondent Richard Arnold. FINANCE - latest from money markets with Business presenter David Jones.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER CHILDREN AND YOUNG PERSONS' SERVICE report, into its handling of case involving convicted multiple rapist Stuart Wilson, condemned. CYPS admits mistakes but police and Wilson's sister-in-law say excuses are weak and too little too late. Comment from chief social worker Mike Doolan, Det Colin McKay, and Liz Bradley. (Kiri Coughlan); live i/v with Social Workers' Assn president Buster Curson. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES LABOUR PARTY embarks on promotion exercise for its tax package, which it hopes will boost popularity. Comment from MPs Jack Elder, George Hawkins, Geoff Braybrooke, regional representative Guy Wellwood, and Dover Samuels, party's Māori vice president. (Karen Fisher); live i/v with leader Helen Clark.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS CRICKET - latest results from West Indies match live from Brian Waddle. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - former Auditor General Brian Tyler faces further cross-examination today. Yesterday afternoon's hearing characterised by belligerent interrogation and hostile questions. (Adam Hollingworth) BREAST CANCER - Otago Univ professor of preventative medicine, David Skegg, says death rates in NZ not falling as they are in some other countries, says mortality rates have remained static at about 25 in every 100,000 women. He's i/ved. (Mng Rpt) UNLEADED PETROL - PSA says problems could have been avoided if govt still had own reserch unit like former DSIR, claims reduction in role and size of state sector putting public safety at risk. Comment from PSA researcher Guy Brown and AA secretary general George Fairbairn. (Corinne Ambler); live i/v with Science minister Simon Upton. COMMENT COLOMBIA - president Ernesto Samper testifies today before parliamentary congressional panel looking into allegations he finded 1994 campaign with drug money. Live i/v with correspondent Neil Wiese.