Morning report. 1996-04-04

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Broadcast Date
04 Apr 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International illegible Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS POLITICS - PM Jim Bolger says business of govering now more difficult following defection of another MP. Peter McCardle's defection from National to NZ First means govt no longer has majority it can count on. Mr Bolger i/ved live; live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher. BSE - WHO meeting of veterinary and medical experts says there appears to be no proof of link between BSE and Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease but recommends precautions are necesary until more studies done. I/v with Dr Lindsay Martinez, member of WHO's division of emerging and re-emerging diseases. (Mng Rpt) U.S. COMMERCE SECRETARY Ron Brown on board aircraft which has crashed on flight from Bosnia to Croatia. Plane believed to be carring at least 12 industrialists as well. Live i/v with Washington correspondent Connie Lawn. TRIADS - Hong Kong police expert on triad gangs, Dave Fernyhough, urges NZ police to take quick action following attempt to hire Mongrel Mob for contract killing of policeman. Comment also from Police Assn president Greg O'Connor. (Karlum Lattimore); live i/v with Asst Commissioner Ian Holyoake.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS CRICKET - NZ begins well in 1 day match against West Indies in Guyana but illegible to be all out for 158 before alloted overs. Windies lose 3 wickets before luinch, including Brian Lara. Live i/v with commentator Brian Waddle. RADIO NEW ZEALAND - govt announces sale of commercial stations to consortium of Wilson and Horton, Australian Provincial Newspapers, and US Clear Channel Communicatons. Māori groups proceeding with litigation blocking sale proceeding. Comment from media commentator Paul Smith and Māori Language Commission chair Huirangi Waikerepuru. (Stephen Parker) POLITICS - live i/v with MP Peter McCardle re his reasons for leaving National Party for NZ First; live i/v with MP Jack Elder re his reasons for leaving Labour Party for NZ First; Labour MP George Hawkins says he predicted both men would join NZ First, suggests Alliance MP Sandra Lee is "considering her options". That's news to Ms Lee - she's i/ved live. CORRECTION to yesterday's diet pills story. WN gym manager said substance in question, Thermoblast 2, came from company called Twin Labs. He later informed RNZ News he said this in error and in fact another company is responsible for Thermoblast 2 and Twin Labs has nothing to do with it. FINANCE - money markets latest with David Jones.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER RAPE - further court action possible against former teacher Thomas Leigh, jailed for 17 years after admitting sex charges involving pupils. One man hose daughters were raped by Leigh is considering suing Leigh and Mahurangi College for exemplary damages. (Glenda Wakeham) POLL latest NBR/Consultus poll confirms NZ First as 3rd most popular party as well as suggesting leader Winston Peters will be "king-maker" in first MMP parliament. Live i/v with Winston Peters. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES BSE - European Union decides not to lift worldwide ban on British beef exports, infuriating British govt. Europeans angry too, that after 10 years, little has been done to deal with BSE. (Keith Chalkley) MāORI ACTIVISTS - final day in trial of Mike Smith and Ken Mair for their roles in Takahue school occupation. Lisa Owen reports live on proceedings. CRICKET - update on West Indies match with commentator Brian Waddle. (NZ wins)
0830 NEWS/SPORTS TRIADS - Hong Kong correspondent Belinda Caminada says there's been big rise in Triad crime overseas, growing trend for countries with large Chinese communities to recruit Hong Kong officers to help fight it. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - tension as former Auditor General Brian Tyler accuses of perjury by lawyer David Williams, representing KPMG Peat Marwick. illegible has agreed to delay reporting time for inquiry by a year. Live i/v with "National Business Review" business editor Fran O'Sullivan. FORESTRY - opponents to sale of Forest Corpn's cutting rights say they'll watch closely govt's promised transparent sale process. Finance minister Bill Birch claims private ownership willl bring $600 million of Investment needed to develop downstream processing of wood. Comment from Timber Industry Fedn exec director Wayne Coffey, former Forest Corpn head Mick O'Neill, Jim Bradbury, spokesman for Weverhauser PR. (Maria Slade) OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes about week's events across Tasman. (corruption in Aborigine legal service) COMMENT FRUIT AND VEG REPORT with Jack Forsythe.