Morning report. 1996-04-23

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Broadcast Date
23 Apr 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS ISRAEL/LEBANON - Israeli warplanes rocket bases belonging to radical Palestinian group PFLP GQ. I/v with correspondent Robert Fisk. CONSTABLE - police hunt continues for man who shot and killed Constable Glenn McKibbin. Live i/v with inquiry head, Asst Commissioner Colin Wilson. ASSET TESTING - Labour delighted over "panic retrat" by govt over asset tests for group of elderly in long stay geriatric care. Cabinet has decided to continue exemptions. Labour leader Helen Clark i/ved. (Mng Rpt); Live i/v with Health minister Jenny Shipley.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS MICHAEL LAWS - doubts about his future in local politics as fallout continues from controversial public opinion poll he arranged on behalf of Napier City Council. Audit Office expected to announce today whether it will hold second probe into involvement with poll, conducted by firm part-owned by his wife. Comment from Napier councillors John Harrison and Kerry Single, and NZ First leader Winston Peters. (Marie Hosking); Michael Laws blames much of the controversy on his opponents- i/ved. (Mng Rpt) COOK ISLANDS - PM Sir Geoffrey Henry to give state of nation address this eveneing, tipped to include announcement of huge cuts to public spending, pay cuts and end to extensive political perks. Live i/v with correspondent Jason Brown. LAND MINES - NZ joins 7 other countries in announcing ban on use of anti-personnel mines, aid groups hope move will bring worldwide elimination of mines a step closer. Comment from Phil Twyford of Oxfam and Martin Robinson, Red Cross. (Lisa Owen) POVERTY - return to National candidate Shane Frith's challenge of last Friday (19th). Challenge taken up by AK Methodist Mission worker Charlie Fenwick who provided examples of poverty. How are things progressing? Live i/vs with Shane Frith and Charlie Fenwick. FINANCE - money markets latest with David Jones.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER CONSTABLE - live i/ with reporter Stephen Parker about progress in the hunt for Constable McKibbin's killer. ASSET TESTING - Grey Power sees govt decision to continue exemption for group of 2000 elderly hospital patients as a small victory in long battle to have asset testing thrown out. Live i/v with president Jim McKenzie. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES ITALY - Olive Tree coalition of centre and former communists wins decisive victory in election. Bloc campaigned on platform of reducing debt and privatisations as well as integration into Europe. NZ Alliance leader Jim Anderton says result shows coalition of greens, socialists and centrists can be successful. (q). Live i/v with correspondent Frances Kennedy. DUNEDIN's big business interests criticised by mayor Sukhi Turner for favouring "ecologically damaging and socially destructive" projects. Live i/vs with Ms Turner and motor trade finance managing director John Gilks.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS ACT runs foul of Electoral Commission again with information material it's produced on MMP. 3rd time party pulled up over way it's representing MMP to voters but it denies any wrongdoing. Comment from Electoral Commission spokesman Doug Eckhoff and political scientist Ron Smith, who produced the material for ACT. (Allanah Kalafatelis); live i/v with ACT spokesperson Rodney Hide. IMMIGRATION welcomed by construction industry. Builders and related trades pleased with huge amount of work new arrivals are generating, AK City Council, in move to match opposition to NZ First policy, forges new links with Korea in sister city agreement. Comment from mayor Les Mills, Pusan mayor Youn Soon Moon, and Trevor Allsebrook, Master Builders' Fedn. (Alexia Russell) COUNTRYWIDE BANK embarrassed after computer error results in some customers receiving bank statements detailing eftpos transactions at hotels and shops they never visited in towns often not visited for years. Bank says problem is with file recording automatic teller location but amounts involved are all correct. Live i/v with Banking Ombudsman Liz Brown. COMMENT BRITAIN about to reverse long-standing policy and join calls for ban on landmines. Live i/v with correspondent Keith Chalkley.