Morning report. 1996-05-23

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Broadcast Date
23 May 1996
RNZ Collection

0700 NEWS WARWICK REID - disgraced lawyer arrested in Tauranga pending application for his extradition back to Hong Kong where he's previously service prison sentence for corruption. Latest charges relate to perjury and attempting to pervert the course of justice. (Belinda Caminada) COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - indications Cook Islands may be about to cooperate further with Inquiry. NZ select committee chairs Max Bradford and Joy McLauchlan meet High Commissioner Iaveta Short to put further pressure on Cook Islands govt. Live i/v with Mr Short; live i/v with Max Bradford, chair of Finance and Expenditure select committee re ultimatum to Cooks of greater cooperation or loss of foreign aid from NZ. MISSING GIRL - CH police talk to 6 year old who was abducted and possibly assaulted, seeking a couple in a white Holden station wagon. Comment from Det Snr Sgt Colin Dalziell. (Mng Rpt) ASSET TESTING - Opposition caught off guard in Parliament and fails to brinig Annette King's private member's Bill repealing asset testing to a vote. Audio of Annette King, Social Welfare minister Peter Gresham, Sandra Lee, Roger Sowry(q). (Marie Hosking) SHELL OIL - Environment and Conservation Orgn calls for boycott following release of documents from Nigerian High Court detailing how Shell tried to buy guns for Nigerian police force. Live i/v with ECO spokeswoman Cath Wallace.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS BUDGET - govt's critics doubt largesse will buy National many votes in election. Comment from Labour's Finance spokesman Michael Culle, School Trustees Assn president Mark Farnsworth, and CTU secretary Angela Foulkes. illegible Rodenburg) BURDETT MURDER - man convicted for murder of Susan Burdett, Teina Pora, tells police he's never heard of man arrested for serial rapes and Burdett murder. Lawyer Marie Dhyrberg increasing pressure for retrial for Pora. She's i/ved live. AIRBAGS - US officials launch public education campaign on airbags in cars after revealed 19 children killed because of them. A look at their use in NZ. Comment from Peter Sutton of Consumers' Inst, BMW's Grant Smith, and Dr Rob Martin, Land Transport Safety Authority. (Marguerite Fahy) HEALTH INSURANCE - Labour's Health spokeswoman Lianne Dalziel alleges cover-up over high premiums charged by Southern Cross for members aged over 65, claims members who threatened court action against insurer paid "hush money" to stop them revealing deal under which their previous, lower premium levels were restored. Live i/v with Lianne Dalziel and Southern Cross general manager David Turner. FINANCE - money markets latest with David Jones.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER BUDGET - all eyes on govt for election year hand-outs. Live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher and Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans about today's "Budget for the Future". TASMANIA - accused Port Arthur gunman Martin Bryant makes court appearance, via video from prison. I/v with journalist Garnie Pierce. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES BANKS - new monitoring regime by Reserve Bank will make banks reveal financial secrets, replaces system of prudential supervision. Comment from Reserve Bank governor Don Brash. (Bronwen Evans); live i/v with Massey Univ professor of Banking, Chris Moore.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS MENTAL HEALTH - Judge Ken Mason to hand over today to Health minister Jenny Shipley results of inquiry into mental health services. Mrs Shipley not releasing report for about another month. Comment from Mrs Shipley, Judge mason, Mike Moore, Clive Matthewson. (Marie Hosking) GANGS - members of Parliament's Justice and Law Reform select committee to take first hand look at problem in CH and Invercargill. Live i/v with committee chair Alec Neill. COMMENT BSE - European Commission relaunches plan for easing worldwide ban on British beef exports, as Britain begins new policy of blocking smooth workings of EU until beef crisis resolved. (John Fraser); live i/v with Westminster correspondent Des Fahy. illegible AND VEG REPORT with Jack Forsythe.