Morning report. 1996-05-29

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
29 May 1996
RNZ Collection
Hosking, Mike, Presenter
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Davies, Jenny, Editor
Frykberg, Eric, Producer
CADDICK, Kent, Sports presenter
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007)

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS illegible - more liberal laws allowing sale on Sundays and longer opening hours could be coming, under review of Sale of Liquor of Act. Justice minister Doug Graham spells out terms of reference for review and who will oversee it. (Kathryn Street) POLICE - more fallout over staffing levels and change of mind on planned downgrading of Hawkes Bay stations. Comment from Police Assn secretary Graham Harding and Labour's Police spokesman George Hawkins. (Corinne Ambler); live i/v with Police minister John Luxton. ASSET TESTING - Grey Power says it will use Findlay case to try and change law. 80 year old Harry Findlay has already paid $21,000 for care of wife, admitted to hospital with Alzheimer's 18 months ago, and is refusing to pay further $28,000. Comment from Grey Power's Jim McKenzie, and Verna Schofield of Alzheimer's Society. (Stephen Hewson); live i/v with Labour's Social Welfare spokeswoman Annette King; live i/v with Health minister Jenny Shipley, who says she's willing to look at case if Mr Findlay contacts her.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS SAME SEX MARRIAGES - live i/v with Jenny Rowan, who with partner Jools Joslin, was one of 3 lesbian couples who sought clarification of marriage laws at AK High Court. Court said it's up to Parliament to decide if same sex marriages can be allowed. INDIA - BJP leader Atak Bihari Vajpayee resigns as PM, ahead of confidence vote he was certain to lose. Prime ministerial candidate of centre-left United Front, H D Deve Gowda, asked to form new govt. I/v with correspondent Edmund Roy. CAMERON CASE - Southland farmer William Cameron found not guilty on grounds of insanity of killing his wife and attempting to kill his 3 children. (Catherine Harris) RAW SEWAGE pours into Whangarei harbour after city's main sewer line bursts. Live i/v with reporter Jacqui Kerr-Bell. FINANCE - money markets latest with David Jones.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER MORTGAGE CORPN sells mortgages to Westpac after close media attention paid to interest rates over past 18 months. Westpac says it will replace 12.5% rate with lower current market rate. Labour says Westpac has bailed out govt from mess it created in 1992. Comment from Housing minister Murray McCully, Labour's Housing spokesman Paul Swain, Westpac's Bill Day, and June Mccabe of Mortgage Corpn. (Peter Fowler); live i/v with Mortgage Corpn client Ann Campbell. LIQOUR - live i/v with Hospitality Assn chief exec Bruce Robertson, and ALAC director Dr Michael McAvoy re changes to liquor laws they want to see. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Winston Peters fails to have Inquiry's investigations widened to include alleged fraud surrounding BNZ captive insurance deal. Live i/v with "National Business Review" investigations editor Fran O'Sullivan.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS WORLD VISION commemmorates 25 years of involvement in NZ. Live i/v with visiting international president Dean Hirsch, who's just attended 10th anniversary of Chernobyl disaster in Belarus. He's asked what difference World Vision can make to this problem. SUPERANNUATION SURTAX - govt reportedly makes decision of stand on issue re today's multi-party meeting. Live i/v with Senior Citizens minister Peter Gresham. POSSUMS - Meat Industry Research Inst scientists develop new bait to catch but not kill possums. Bait muddles sequence of behaviours necessary for successful reproduction. Live i/v with programme manager Christian Cook. COMMENT AGENT ORANGE - President Clinton announces more help for Vietnam veterans exposed to defoliant. (Connie Lawn) illegible - since agreement signed, Russian president Boris Yeltsin has paid lightning visit to Chechnya. I/v with correspondent Michael Brissenden about why Yeltsin made the visit. (Mng Rpt)