Morning report. 1996-06-04

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Broadcast Date
04 Jun 1996
RNZ Collection
Hosking, Mike, Presenter
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Gibson, Martin, Editor
CADDICK, Kent, Sports presenter

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones illegible NEWS ISRAEL - Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat calls on new PM Benjamin Netanyahu to be as committed to peace as predecessor Shimon Peres. Syrian leader Assad flies to Egypt to discuss fears about change of power in Israel. Live i/v with correspondent Robert Berger. SECONDARY TEACHERS - State Service Commission urges school boards of trustees to dock pay or suspend those who refuse to teach classe. Teachers planning to boycott targetted classes this week following failure of govt to accept latest pay claim. Comment from PPTA president Martin Cooney, Janet Kelly, STA, Education minister Wyatt Creech. (Stephen Hewson) HEALTH SYSTEM - CH GP Tony Devenish quits, claims he can't work within system which "ignores logic and basic principles of medicine". He's i/ved live; live i/v with chair of GPs Assn, Dr Clive Stone. ECONOMY - AK Chamber of Commerce warns gloomy predictions about economy could become self-fulfilling prophecies if commentators don't give more balanced picture. Comment from chamber's chief exec Michael Barnett, National Bank chief economist Adrian Orr, and John Yeabsley of NZIER. (Stephen Hewson)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS RUGBY - Christian Cullen named at fullback in All Black team to play Western illegible on Friday. Live i/v with the new cap. NORTHERN IRELAND - Ulster Unionists and pro-Union MPs accuse British govt of tryung to bribe IRA with concesssions. Govt has dropped demand that IRA hand over weapons before being allowed to attend all party talks although it's still demanding Sinn Fein reinstate ceasefire. Live i/v with correspondent David McKittrick. COOK ISLANDS govt outlines list of reforms it says will address financial crisis at meeting convened by Asian Development Bank at South Pacific Forum in Suva. NZ tells meeting that aid increase from NZ to Cooks is very unlikely. Live i/v with MFAT's deputy director of development cooperation, Mac Price. TONY AWARDS in New York overshadowed by controversy surrounding Julie Andrews who was mocked and denied award for best actress in a musical. (Richard Arnold) FINANCE - money market latest with David Jones
0800 NEWS/WEATHER ROAD TOLL stands at 9 for this year's Queens Birthday weekend, despite high police profile and public campaign. Traffic Safety Supt Ray Whatmough says police doing all they can but message about alcohol and speed still doesn't seem to be heeded. He's i/ved live. OZ SPOT - new gun control laws certain to be enacted in every state and territory of Australia despite large pro-gun demonstrations and rallies over weekend. Live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES FAT MEN - new group of 5 health organisations, Agencies for Nutrition Action or ANA, launches campaign designed to make men more aware about being overweight. Chair Heather Fear says men have greater risk than women if overweight - she's i/ved live.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS INDIA - new centre-left govt plans to release new set of policies it hopes will balance interests of more than dozen ruling coalition partners. New PM H D Deve Gowda welcomes decision of Indian Communist Party to join coalition govt. I/v with correspondent Ranjan Gupta about how ICP will fit into new coalition. HONOURS - positive reaction to new look honours system which came into effect Queens Birthday weekend. NZ Orders of Merit replace British awards such as OBEs etc. Comment from this year's recipients Dame Kate Harcourt, Areta Koopu, Sir Michael Hardie-Boys, and Dr James Belich, honours system committee. (Helen Matterson) CHINA - 7th anniversary of crackdown on Tiananmen Square pro-democracy movement. Dissidents have been detained, police in riot gear patrolling university campuses. Hong Kong starts week of commemmorative events, with people aware this may be last time they'll be able to. (Belinda Caminada) illegible CRIERS - national championships held in Rotorua, with Timaru radio personality Bazza Ross taking top place. Live i/v with organiser, Rotorua town crier Graham Lewis. COMMENT BRITAIN - Hillsborough soccer stadium disaster- 14 junior police officers awards $2.5 million for trauma suffered trying to rescue victims of 1989 disaster. Live i/v with correspondent Keith Chalkley.