Morning report. 1996-06-06

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Broadcast Date
06 Jun 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones illegible NEWS SECONDARY TEACHERS industrial action - 4th formers not being taught today, 5th formers tomorrow. Comment from PPTA president Martin Cooney, Eric Pedersen of Education ministry, Janet Kelly of School Trustees' Assn, and John Ballentine of Parent Teacher Assn. (Clare Sziranyi) RESERVE BANK Governor Don Brash's speech in London leads to calls from Opposition parties and CTU for his resignation. Dr Brash suggested govt press on with privatisation of state-owned enterprises. He's i/ved. (Wayne Brittenden) HELEN CLARK - leadership again up for discussion in wake of continued agitatior about her performance. Ms Clark i/ved live. DRUGS - Police and Customs staff keep 24 hour watch on woman they believe may have drugs concealed in body. Woman picked up 15 days ago and has been held in hotel. Comment from Phil Chitty of Customs and Dr Alistair Scott. (Eileen Cameron) COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Winston Peters makes his first appearance in witness stand in highly charged atmosphere. Adam Hollingworth reports live. GANGS - ustice and Law Reform select committee meets in CH to discuss gang problem. Police tell committee about links between gangs and organised crime, illegible commercial activities and police response, say motorcycle gangs in CH responsible for large scale supplying of prohibited drugs, murders, and intimidation of public. Live i/v with reporter Tracy Lyall.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS RESERVE BANK GOVERNOR'S speech - Parliament's Finance select committee chair Max Bradford defends Dr Brash. (Stephen Parker); CTU secretary Angela Foulkes says Dr Brash has exceeded mandate and abused his office - she's i/ved live. COOK ISLANDS govt agrees to draconian proposals to cut public service, slash salaries of remaining public servants, and cut number of govt depts from 52 to 22. Live i/v with Cooks PSA president Jill Vaiimene. BULLER RIVER - Maruia Society claims victory in 7 year battle to keep river and tributaries free from hydro development. Chief exec Guy Salmon says Planning Tribunal decision against Tasman Energy good news for local environment. Tasmar Energy was planning power station on Gowan River, just below Nelson Laeks National Park. Comment also from Tasman Energy chief exec Eric Peter. (Stephen Hewson) FINANCE - money markets latest with David Jones.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER HELEN CLARK - next week's caucus meeting expected to discuss leadership issue. Live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher. RESERVE BANK Governor's speech - live i/v with Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans about the speech and possible implications. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES ISRAEL/MIDEAST - Arab nations trying to put forward united front on peace process. Jordan's King Hussein, Egypt's President Mubarak, and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat urge new Israeli PM Benjmain Netanyahu to proceed with peace process. Mr Arafat says Palestinians will soon declare independent state with Arab east Jerusalem as capital despite Mr Netanyahu's refusal to discuss issue. Live i/v with Dr Ron McIntyre, Canty Univ. expert in MidEast politics.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS CELLPHONE TOWER - row over siting of tower in CH suburb of Shirley continues, with those opposed to site claiming Telecom not serious about looking for other options. Live i/vs with Telecom spokesperson Andrew Trevelyan and Shirley Primary School spokespersson Gary Moore. SUPER TREES - joint Forestry Corp-Forest Research Inst aimed at creating future forests cloned from super-trees described as world first. Project has cloned 200,000 pine seedlings from trees withtop growth and form qualities. Technology known as fascicle cuttings can grow thousands of new trees from pine needles of 1 parent tree. Live i/v with Forestry Corp project manager Russell Dale. PUBLIC SERVICE - Inland Revenue workers vote today whether to continue picketting places of work. Tempers beginning to flare on picket lines. Comment illegible PSA's Michael Doherty, and IRD Commissioner Graham Holland. (Mark Crysell) COMMENT FRUIT AND VEG REPORT with Jack Forsythe.