Morning report. 1996-06-14

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Broadcast Date
14 Jun 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International illegible Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Winston Peters' retraction leads to questions from MPs about the whole basis of the inquiry. Comment from Peter Hilt and Max Bradford, and banker David Richwhite. (Janice Rodenburg); live i/v with Winston Peters. NECROTISING FASCIITIS - Invercargill woman Lesley Ashley Mason dies after contracting flesh-eating disease, following stay in DN Hospital. Healthcare Otago says it could not have done anything to prevent the death. (Catherine Harris); live i/v with Robert Walker, Otago Univ, co-author of report on incidences of disease at DN Hospital. ELECTION LIST - Alliance issues its list- Candidates disappointed by ranking promise to stay loyal. Comment from leader Jim Anderton, candidate with cause for disapointment Doctor Keith Ridings, the Alliance Senior Citizens spokesperson, and Bill Hamilton who's widely expected to do well but yet was at the bottom of Mana Motuhake indicative selection list. (Stephen Parker); live i/v with Chief Parliamentary reporter Janice Rodenburg about the lists issued so far by political parties. illegible NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS illegible - live i/v with commentators Graeme Moodie and Bill McLaren about tomorrow's test between All Blakcs and Scotland. SOCIAL WELFARE - govt moves to improve facilities for young people in care, moving away form large residential homes to smaller units with highly specific programmes. Children's Commissioner concerned about how quickly facilities will be ready. (q). Live i/v with Social Welfare minister Peter Gresham. PARACETOMOL - pharmacists lose latest round in battle to curb sales of paracetomol in supermarkets, because of concerns consumers aren't aware of how toxic it can be. Medicines Classification Committee understood to have refused to restrict sales to pharmacies only but recommends better labelling. Comment from National Poison Centre's consultant pharmacist, Dr Nerida Smith, and Keith Dignan, chief exec of National Assn of Retail Grocers. (Helen Matterson); live i/v with Pharmaceutical Society president Glen Caves. FINANCE - money markets latest with David Jones.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - i/v with "National Business Review"s Fran O'Sullivan about Winston Peters' credibility. (Mng Rpt) RUSSIAN ELECTION this weekend, with few expecting outright victory for either Boris Yeltsin or Communist candidate Gennady Zyuganov. I/v with correspondent Tracy Sutherland. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES TARANAKI CLAIM takes significant step today towards compensation for lands confiscated by Crown after 1860s Taranaki Wars. Parihaka marae setting for release of report from Waitangi Tribunal. Live i/v with iwi spokesman at Parihaka, Milton Hohaia.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS REGIONAL GROWTH - Bay of Plenty now fastest growing region, grew by 3.3% in year to end of March. (Bronwen Evans) INFORMATION LEAK - independent investigator hired by govt, to track down source of confidential Treasury and Conservation Dept information broadcast on "Morning Report" several months ago, fails to find culprit. Comment from Labour MP John Blincoe. (Marie Hosking) NZ PUBLIC RADIO wins 5 medals at New York festival billed as world's best radio work. National Radio's Alison Parr receives Gold medal in Best I/V category for i/v with conductor Jaos Furst. Journalists Gyles Beckford and Mark Crysell win silver medal for entry in Best Coverage of Ongoing News Story for coverage of French nuclear testing. Don Rood wins Bronze medal for coverage of the seizing of MV Greenpeace and riots in Tahiti; live i/v with Alison Parr in New York. COMMENT illegible - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes about week's events across the Tasman. (federal tax exemptions)