Morning report. 1996-06-21

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Broadcast Date
21 Jun 1996
RNZ Collection
Hosking, Mike, Presenter
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Walley, Allan, Editor
Acton, Graeme, Producer
CADDICK, Kent, Sports presenter
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007)

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones illegible NEWS MT RUAPEHU/AIRPORTS - live update with David Beatson, Air NZ. WAITING LIST DEATH - Greenlane Hospital's clinical director of cardiac surgery, Alan Kerr, says hospital loses patient from waiting list once a month or so, also finds out about others who have died when audit carried out. He's i/ved live SECONDARY TEACHERS boycott 3rd forms today. Both PPTA and SSC seem keen to strike a deal to settle dispute. Comment from John Tayor of Education Forum, Mark Farnsworth of School Trustees' Assn. (Marguerite Fahy) HOUSING NZ accused of rack-renting. Labour MP Phil Goff says Housing NZ has taken over number of properties and raised rents to higher levels than were charged by private landlords.(q). Live i/v with Housing NZ chair Fran Wilde. RNZAF SKYHAWKS still operating despite yesterday's crash. Skyhawk lost oil pressure and crashed into farmland, although pilot ejected safely. Comment from defence analyst Jim Rolfe. (Peter Fowler); i/v with RNZAF spokesperson Sqdn Ldr Paul Harrison. (Mng Rpt) MT RUAPEHU - Ohakune mayor calls crisis meeting to plan strategy for dealing with devastating loss of business caused by eruption. Live report from Helen matterson. illegible NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS HOUSING - AK City Council's decision to sell non-pensioner housing sparks criticism. Council voted to sell more than 600 homes but attached conditions to protect longer-serving tenants, those who originally sold homes to council, and superannuitants. Comment from deputy mayor David Hay and councillor Bruce Hucker. (Adam Hollingworth) HERITAGE in danger of being lost forever, according to report released by Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment. Helen Hughes wants new cabinet position established, minister of Historic and Cultural Heritage, who would develop strategy for protecting heritage sites. WN City Councillor Rex Nichollss says half problem is that Historic Places Trust is not performing. Live response from Trust's manager of Heritage Conservation, Stephen Rainbow. NATIONAL PARTY hierarchy reading latest One Network News-Colmer Bruton poll results as showing it still has lot to achieve before election day, even though poll showed party support up to 41%. Comment from cabinet minister Maurice Williamson, president Geoff Thompson, and Labour's deputy leader Michael Cullen. (Janice Rodenburg) CARBON DIOXIDE - govt taskforce recommends establishing system of tradeable carbon certificates as way of curbing emissions. Comment from taskforece spokesperson Bill Falconer and Environment minister Simon Upton. (Marie Hosking). FINANCE - money markets latest with David Jones
0800 NEWS/WEATHER WAITING LIST DEATH - i/v with Dwayne Crombie, Northern RHA manager of medical and surgical services, about claim that 1 person dies on waiting lists every month. (Mng Rpt) SECONDARY TEACHERS - how wide is the boycott of 3rd form teaching today and what advice is Education ministry offering schools? Live i/v with Eric Pedersen, senior manager for school resourcing. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES GANGS - apparent back-down by Parliamentary select committee over summonsing Road Knight gang members angers Police Assn and Labour MP Mike Moore. Comment from Assn president Greg O'Connor, Mike Moore, gang's lawyer David Ruth, and Justice minister Doug Graham. (Corinne Ambler); live i/v with chair of committee Alec Neill. RUGBY - All Blacks face Scots again tomorrow. Live i/v with coach John Hart and Scottish coach Richie Dixon.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS BOUGAINVILLE - Papua New Guinea's defence minister confirms major offensive against rebels on island. Solomon Islands increasing security measures after confirmation armed PNG nationals are operating nearly 200 kms inside Solomon Islands territory. Live i/v with Johnson Honimae, information director in illegible Islands Prime Minister's dept. ITALY - floods in western Tuscany kill 9 people in worst flooding in Italy since Nov 1994. Live i/v with correspondent David Willey. CARBON DIOXIDE - environmentalists generally critical of announcement on carbon tax. Cath Wallace, ECO, says low level carbon tax not enough to deal with pollution, she's i/ved live. COMMENT OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes about events across Tasman. (koala cull)