Morning report. 1996-06-25

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Broadcast Date
25 Jun 1996
RNZ Collection
Hosking, Mike, Presenter
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Walley, Allan, Editor
Corbett, Maree, Producer
CADDICK, Kent, Sports presenter
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007)

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS CONSTABLE - 65 day hunt for Terence Thompson, wanted in connection with shooting of Constable Glenn McKibben, ends in Havelock North orchard, with police shooting him dead. Regional cdr Asst Commissioner Colin Wilson recounts events leading up to shooting. (Mng Rpt); report on the search for Terence illegible. (Stephen Hewson); Thompson's cousin Jim Hutchinson says family worked closely with police because of fears he could be shot in retaliation or out of frustration by police; Constable McKibben's family shocked and relieved. Live i/v with father Des McKibben. SECONDARY TEACHERS expected to bow to pressure from principals and boards of trustees and back down on further industrial action. Comment from School Trustees' Assn president Mark Farnsworth, principals Judith Miles, Don McLeod, Peter Malcolm, and student representative Sophie Burbery. (Helen Matterson) COOK ISLANDS - NZ'S plan to tag much of annual aid money to assist with Cook Islands govt restructuring welcomed in Rarotonga. Chair of Parliament's foreign affairs committee, Joy McLauchlan, says it's important money used to retrain and redeploy public servants; i/v with president of Cook Islands Public Service Assn, Gill Vaiimene. (Mng Rpt)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS CONSTABLE - Asst Police Commissioner Colin Wilson says Police Complaints Authority will begin inquiry today into shooting of Terence Thompson. He's i/ved live. GANG - accuracy of confidential police report on gang activity in Australia and illegible questioned by some Australian police, criminologist Paul Wilson, and Highway 61 gang which features in the report. Report prepared by Police HQ Organised Crime Unit discusses rise of Bandido gang in Australia and its connections with Highway 61 in NZ. (Karlum Lattimore); who are the Bandidos (Fat Mexicans) and are they a problem in home state of Texas? I/v with spokesperson for Texas State Troopers criminal intelligence division. (Mng Rpt) ALCOHOL - new study shows 15 year olds who easily buy alcohol from licensed premises have more drink-related problems later in life than those who are turned away. Study is part of the Dunedin longitudinal exercise on health and development. Comment from Hospitality Association chief executive Bruce Robertson and Auckland University's director of Alcohol research Dr Sally Casswell. (Alexia Russell) TENNIS - live i/v with Wimbledon spokesperson Johnny Perkins about opening day of tournament. FINANCE - money markets latest with David Jones.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER CONSTABLE - live i/v with Harry McGregor, uncle of Terence Thompson, who says his shooting is a revenge killing by police with whom family thought they had an understanding. NIGERIA - Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group meets in London for talks with Nigerian foreign minister. First time Nigerians have agreed to talk since being suspended from Commonwealth last November, aim is to press Nigeria to commit itself to democratic reform. Comment from NZ Foreign Affairs minister Don McKinnon. (Wayne Brittenden) PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES ELECTRICITY - angry public meeting in DN over issue of high line charges and winter price differentials charged by United Electricity. Comment from DN mayor Sukhi Turner and DN North MP Pete Hodgson. Live i/v with meeting organiser Elaine McFelin and United's chief exec Anthony Fowler. HAZARD TAX - Environment minister Simon Upton responds to Greenpeace call for tax as means of reducing manufacture and importation of dangerous chemicals, says Greenpeace has nothing but publicly exhibit poor grasp of measures aleady in place to deal with hazardous waste.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS POLICE RETIREMENT - Police minister John Luxton says he won't change payouts police get when they leave force despite doubling of those leaving for medical or psychological reasons in past year. (275); live i/v with Police Assn president Greg O'Connor. PAROLE - Rufus Junior Marsh denied parole. Marsh jailed for life 10 years ago after killing WN woman Diane Miller, has long list of convictions for violent illegible. (Corinne Ambler) illegible - Far North conservationists concerned for safety of kiwis in land clearing operation being carried out by joint forestry company/Māori trust operation near Kaitaia; live i/v with trustee Trevor Wi-Kaitaia. COMMENT PANAMA - president Ernesto Perez Balladares vows to crack down on drug-related crime after acknowledging 1994 election campaign partly funded by reputed drug trafficker. Live i/v with correspondent Neil Wiese.