Morning report. 1996-07-30

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Broadcast Date
30 Jul 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sports
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS MICHELLE BOAG decides to step down from TVNZ board and National Party communications job until after election, decision aimed at stemming embarrassment for govt. Her involvement in filming of Winston Peters' evidence at Cook Islands tax inquiry leads to Fay Richwhite being told it has case to contempt to answer. Comment from Ms Boag and Labour's Broadcasting spokesperson Graham Kelly. (Kathryn Street); live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher. BLOOD PRODUCTS - Health ministry decides not to withdraw products from woman with possible link to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and instead is introducing consent forms detailing information about batch of blood. Comment from Ministry chief medical advisor Dr Colin Feek, and Louise Carroll, exec director of kids with Immune Deficiencies Syndrome group. (Corinne Ambler); live i/v with lawyer Michael Okkerse, who's been involved in number of medical compensation cases. TAMIHERE CASE - son John Tamihere not impressed with Police Complaints Authority inquiry into allegations that secret witness paid by police to give evidence, because police officers will carry out the inquiry. Comment also from illegible Wilson, AK Civil Liberties Council. (Eileen Cameron) OLYMPICS - track and field line-up led by Carl Lewis, who's seeking to cap 12 year Olympic career by winning long jump. Barry Guy reports live from Atlanta.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS MENTAL HEALTH - govt unveils this week how it plans to spend first $30 million of promised extra $142 million over 5 years on mental health services. Comes in same week as Sunnyside psych hospitals considers limiting acute admissions because of funding shortfall. Comment from Professor Peter Joyce, author of discussion paper on Sunnyside, Acting DG of Health Peter Hughes, and Jean O'Callaghan of the Southern Regional Health Authority. (Clare Sziranyi) HEALTH REFORMS - 5th anniversary of announcment of govt's health programme. Health professionals still debating whether reforms have achieved high quality health care for all NZers or are nothing but ideological ageda. Live i/v with Dr Peter Roberts, Coalition for Public Health. NUCLEAR TEST - China carries out nuclear test (and then announces moratorium) just ahead of Geneva meeting of UN disarmament conference, which is trying to wrap up negotiations for comprehensive test ban treaty. (BBC); Chinese test draws critical reactions from several regional powers. Live i/v with Foreign Affairs minister Don McKinnon about NZ's reaction. ECONOMY - AK Chamber of Commerce chair Michael Barnett casts doubts on surveys indicating sharp downturn in economic activity on the way, Berl and Ord Minnett surveys being the latest. (Mng Rpt) FINANCE - money markets latest with David Jones.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER MICHELLE BOAG - i/v with media commentator Paul Smith about her decision to temporarily from position on TVNZ board. (Mng Rpt) HEALTH REFORMS - has the promised high quality health service been delivered? Live i/v with Crown Health Enterprises Bill English. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES RUGBY BOOTS - NZRFU could face damages worth millions of dollars for not honouring sponsorship agreement with Mizuno bootmakers that All Blacks wear their boots. (Mark Crysell) TAMIHERE CASE - live i/v with son John Tamihere about the secret witnesses evidence against father. PIE COMPETITION - steak, cheese and gravy pie made by Palmerston North deli owners Angela Esson and Heather Johanson wins Abel's competition. They're i/ved live.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS NUCLEAR TEST - small group of Greenpeace members scale Chinese embassy in WN to protest nuclear test carried out by China. Helen Matterson reports live. BLOOD PRODUCTS - Health ministry decides products from recipient of human growth hormone, linked with CJD, will stay in circulation in NZ. Live i/v with Mike Mapperson, president of Haemophiliacs Society. TANIA FURLAN MURDER - AK police delving into her past in hope of pin-pointing suspect or at least motive for her murder. 26 year old mother of 3 died after being bashed around head several times with hammer-like weapons in her Howick home. Comment from Det Insp John Manning. (Lisa Owen) BRITISH BREWERS and Licensed Retailers' Assn publish "Passport to the Pub" to educate unsuspecting tourists in the unwritten etiquett of the pub. Live i/v with author and anthropologist kate Fox. COMMENT TURKEY - i/v with correspondent Semi Idez re problem of drug smuggling from Turkey into western Europe. (following arrest of NZ 18 year old)