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0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS FORESTRY CORP SALE - preferred bidder believed to Fletcher Challenge, which is offering close to $2 billion for company and cutting rights to Kaingaroa Forest. Those most affected by sale are making impatience and concern known. Comment from Ika Whenua spokesman Maanu Paul, Waipa union representative Eddie McFarlane, Barry Akers of Fletcher Challenge, and Wayne Coffey, Timber Fedn. (Kiri Coughlan); live i/v with Bryce Heard, Logging Industry Research Orgn about the sale. CHECHNYA - Russian national security chief Alexander Lebed says presidential decree about to be issued to stop conflict, based on plan he put forward in tals with rebel leadership. ITN journalist Julian Mannion descrivbes the fighting in Grozny; live i/v with "Guardian" correspondent in Moscow, James Meek. HEART DRUGS - AK cardiologist Harvey White says every week 4 deaths from heart disease and 7 heart attacks could be avoided if drugs widely used overseas are made available here. Statin group of drugs used to reduce cholesterol levels. illegible white i/ved live; live i/v with David Moore of Pharmac. RETIREMENT Commissioner Colin Blair responds cautiously to suggestion by Price Waterhouse superannuation consultant Boyd Klap that retirement age be raised to over 70. Comment also from CTU economist Peter Harris and Sir Ronald Davison. (Mark Crysell)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FOREIGN PATIENTS who've received treatment from AK hospitals have left country owing millions of dollars. 2 AK CHEs now want better assurances they'll be recompensed for any foreigners who are treated but don't pay after being discharged. Comment from AK Healthcare chief exec Graeme Edmund and Health ministry's social strategy manager Todd Kreeble. (Kent Caddick); live i/v with Immigration minister Roger Maxwell. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Cook Islands govt hopes report it commissioned from Australian QC Tony Slater will satisfy Inquiry's concerns about its role in tax credit schemes. Report finds that Magnum transactions operated by European Pacific were not sham and a legitimate tax was levied by Cooks govt.; live i/v with "National Business Review" investigations editor Fran O'Sullivan. RETIREMENT - what are implications of raising retirement age? Live i/v with Age Concern policy manager Deborah Moran. FINANCE - money markets latest with David Jones.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER FORESTRY CORP SALE - Bay of Plenty people awaiting announcement on sale. Live i/v with Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans about mood in the region. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION officially opens, set to nominate Bob Dole as presidential candidate, who's currently 20% behind President Clinton in polls. Live i/v with correspondent Judy Lessing. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES HEART DRUGS - statin group of drugs, used to reduce cholesterol levels and risk of heart attack, expensive and can only be prescribed by specialists. Pharmac says it would cost about $50 million to make them more widely available, committee considering issue and what drugs would lose out if more money spent on statins. Live i/v with Heart Fndn medical director Boyd Swinburne, member of committee. PROSTATE CANCER - routine testing ruled out by national health committees in NZ and Australia. Prostate second most common cause of cancer death among NZ men, killing 500 men a year, mostly over 70 years old. Coment from Wendy Edgar, National Health Committee, Helen Glasgow of Cancer Society, and sufferer Eion Scarrow. (Clare Sziranyi)
0830 NEWS/SPORTS PROZAC - Royal College of Psychiatrists says it should be prescribed more illegible, not less. Pharmac concerned about 40% jump in prescribing but College chair Dr Wayne Miles says real problem is when those with depression aren't treated. He's i/ved live. FOREIGN INVESTMENT issue helps boost electoral support for NZ First. Overseas interenst in NZ farmland and forests still strong, with almost quarter million hectares bought over last 5 years and continuing to climb steadily. Comment from Stephen Dawe, Overseas Investment Commission, Fed Farmers president Malcolm Bailey, and NZ First leader Winston Peters. (Jill Galloway) GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM art masterpieces to be shown in DN next year. Live i/v with gallery director John McCormack. INDIA'S 13 party coalition govt sets up committee to resolve row over dam threatening to divide coalition. I/v with correspondent Edmund Roy.