Morning report. 1996-08-26

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Broadcast Date
26 Aug 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 Headlines/News/Sports Bulletin/short weather forecast
0608 News in Māori
0614 Headlines/Paper Report
0618 Rural News
0630 News Update
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS WILD HORSES - 13 Kaimanawa horses shot by Army which says they were endangering soldiers and families at Waiouru camp. Defence minister Paul East calls for full report. Comment also from Eric McLaughlin, Kaimanawa Horse Action Network, and Dr Ian Shearer, International League for the Protection of Horses. (Nick Hirst); live i/v with Army Public Information Officer Fiona Cassidy. VANUATU - Police chief says some local politicians trying to organise coup d'etat. (Bruce Hill, RNZI) HONG KONG - calls for judge and former NZer Brian Caird, hearing charges against former NZ immigration consultant Aaron Nattrass, to resign, prosecution lawyers in case claim Judge Caird approached them to complain he's been pressured by other judges in colony over outcome of trial. I/v with correspondent Belinda Caminada. MUTINY on board fishing vessel in South Pacific leaves 12 people dead, bodies thrown overboard near Samoa and vessel later found adrift near Japan. I/v with correspondent Andy Brown. RUGBY - All Blacks historic win over South Africa 33 to 26, first time All Blacks win series in South Africa. Live i/v with veteran rugby correspondent T P McLean.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS IMMIGRATION - close to 3,000 members of Chinese community attend political rally in AK to hear views of 7 political parties. Comment from Conservative Party leader Rodney Hide, Labour MP Chris Carter, National MP Doug Graham, NZ First's Jack Elder, and Alliance's Matt Robson. (Lisa Owen); live i/v with Rod Peng, Taiwanese Society. INDIA - authorities say hundreds of Hindu pilgrims trapped by snowstorms on Kashmir mountain airlifted to safety. Pilgrims on annual trek to Armanath cave near Srinagar, in mountains for at least 72 hours. More than 150 have frozen to death, thousands still in Himalayan foothills. (BBC) RANFURLY SHIELD - Taranaki businesses already reaping rewards of rugby team's weekend victory. (Mark Torley); live i/v with New Plymouth mayor Clare Stewart. POLICE EMERGENCY - police considering using freephone word number
0800 POLICE along with 111 number, which would only be dialled if crime is serious. Smaller crimes such as burglary, theft and fraud, would be reported on
0800 number. (Hannah Belcher) FINANCE - money markets latest with David Jones.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER HONG KONG - official inquiry being held into allegations that NZ put pressure on JOng Kong judge Brian Cvaird to convict NZ immigration consultant Aaron Nattrass on fraud charges. Live i/v with Foreign Affairs minister Don McKinnon, who denies allegations. PRISON OFFICERS - Corrections Dept says there could be suspensions if 1200 Penal Officers' Assn members carry out threat to walk off night shift this coming Friday over pay and conditions dispute. (Iain Gracie) PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES WILD HORSES - DoC says horses only ever protected when they were in particular area and if they strayed into residential or army areas around Waiouru, anyone was within rights to shoot them. Protection area no longer exists and horses not protected by DoC. (read item) VANUATU - political opposition says govt politicians were aiming to stage coup. Police commander confirms some politicians trying to gain support from paramilitary Vanuatu Mobile Force to seize power. Live i/v with correspondent Patrick Decloitre. MONDAY OZ SPOT - 9 week old baby snatched from hospital bed reunited with family after search which gripped Australia. Woman arrested and charged with come. I/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS RUGBY - i/v with All Black coach John Hart about historic win in South Africa. (Mng Rpt) CIGARETTE SMOKING - rush of lawsuits in US could be followed in NZ, with 2 NZ companies being targetted for possible litigation. US campaigner says overseas lawsuits could push up tobacco prices. Comment from lawyer David Collins, Jim Burns of W d and H O Wills, and US campaigner Richard Daynard. (Eric Frykberg) DEMOCRAT CONVENTION being held in Chicago, President Clinton expected to be nominated unopposed for presidential candidacy. Demonstrations expected on welfare reform and other issues. I/v with correspondent Martin Walker. (Mng Rpt) LONDON'S NOTTING HILL carnival - largest street carnival in Europe - opens, with up to 2 million visitors expected. (Keith Chalkley) DINOSAURS - scientists in Mexico preparing to test theory that enormous meteorite may have been responsible for extinction of dinosaurs. (BBC) FRANCE - group of Africans seizedin raid on Paris church win legal battle against deportation. Of around 200 illegal immigrants, 4 already sent home. 45 have expulsion orders repealed but that doesn't mean they can stay in France. Live i/v with correspondent Lynne Terry.