Morning report. 1996-10-02

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Broadcast Date
02 Oct 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 Headlines/News/Sports Bulletin/short weather forecast
0608 News in Māori
0614 Headlines/Paper Report
0618 Rural News
0630 News Update
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS MIDDLE EAST SUMMIT - Israeli and Palestinian leaders meet in Washington aiming to end unrest unleashed when Israel opened new section of tunnel near Jewish and Moslem holy sites in Jerusalem. Live i/v with Washington correspondent Martin Walker. LEADERS' DEBATE - TVNZ accused of caving in to political pressure after changing format of next leaders' debate. Changes follow complaints from PM Jim Bolger who claims odd stacked against him in last debate.(q). Comments from Helen Clark, Winston Peters, Jim Anderton. (Clare Pasley); i/v with TVNZ's managing editor of News and Current Affairs, Shaun Brown. (Mng Rpt) DE FACTO RELATIONSHIPS - definition up for debate following landmark Appeal Court ruling quashing AK woman's benefit fraud convictions. Appeal Court found there was no financial interdependence in her de facto relationship and threw out the convictions. Live i/v with WN lawyer Helen Cull. HALE-BOPP COMET, expected to be biggest and brightest in 150 years, can now be seen by naked eye in NZ skies. Live i/v with Richard Hall, Carter Observatory.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS CAMPAIGN - live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher about way campaign is developing. ROAD TOLL DROPS - toll for first 9 months of year is lowest for 31 years at 365, down 58 on last year. Land Transport Safety Authority and Police take much of credit. Comment from LTSA director Reg Barrett and Asst Commissioner Phil Wright. (Corinne Ambler); Massey Univ consumer behaviour lecturer Zane Kearns disagrees with idea that gory and emotive road safety ads helping to bring down road toll. He's i/ved live. COOK ISLANDS - land row looming over govt plans to sell airport as part of economic restructuring. Powerful landowners oppose plan. (Lualemana Tino Pereira) POLICE COUNSELLING - police psychologist Dr ian Miller says police don't receive as much training in dealing with trauma as he'd like and more are relying on counselling services after dealing with attacks such as recent Levin incident. He's i/ved live. FINANCE - money markets latest with David Jones.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER MIDDLE EAST SUMMIT - live i/v with Israel correspondent Robert Berger. KEITH RAMSTEAD CASE - evidence now focussing on circumstances surrounding 3rd death, that of Nancie Muncie who died during surgery in August 1992. (Merle Nowland) PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES DE FACTO RELATIONSHIPS - Women's Refuge celebrates Appeal Court decision. Live i/v with chief exec of national Collective of Women's Refuges, Edith McNeill. MāORI CLAIMS - historian working with Waitangi Tribunal, Prof Alan Ward, optimistic most major claims will be settled before 2000. But many claims still awaiting settlement, Ngai Tahu being most significant. (Claire Silvester)
0830 NEWS/SPORTS ANSETT NZ bought from Ansett Australia by News Ltd, enabling Air NZ to become joint owners with News Ltd of Ansett Australia. Live i/v with Ansett's Brian Lockstone. ELECTION - rural voting patterns may shift under MMP. Many farmers thinking of dropping traditional support for National. Comment from Alliance's Jeanette Fitzsimons, Labour's Jim Sutton, National's Lockwood Smith, NZ First's Jack Elder, and Fed Farmers'AK president Penny Webster and Wairarapa president ian Cresswell. (Bryan Crump) LEADERS' DEBATE - Labour Party president Michael Hirschfeld not convinced by TVNZ's explanations for changed format. (Karen Fisher) VOTING GUIDE - Chief Electoral Office posting out guide to every household, includes all party lists and candidates and all polling booths for each electorate. Live i/v with deputy chief electoral officer Hugh Garland. BRITISH LABOUR PARTY conference in Blackpool, last before election that seems set to put Labour in power. I/v with correspondent Des Fahy.