Morning report. 1996-10-31

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Broadcast Date
31 Oct 1996
RNZ Collection

0600 Headlines/News/Sports Bulletin/short weather forecast
0608 News in Māori
0614 Headlines/Paper Report
0618 Rural News illegible News Update
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS PARCEL BOMB - Wellington police inquiries are continuing this morning into a parcel bomb which exploded in a car, injuring the two occupants. Live i/v with DI Brett Kane, who says the only reason the bomb wasn't fatal is because it didn't detonate properly. SCHOOL TRUSTEES - The School Trustees Assn has issued a report calling for trustees to get more money and more training from the government. Wrap with trustees Ian Bloore and Chris Biddles. (Al Morrison) Live i/v with pres of the STA, Janet Kelly. ZAIRE - The UN has appointed Canadian ambassador to Washington, Edmond Chretien as a special envoy to help bring an end to fighting in Zaire. Voicer from Al Little. (BBC) Meanwhile tension and lawlessness are creating problems for aid workers in the area. i/v with World Vision head Russ Kerr. FRANCE - Former defence minister Charles Hernu has been charged with spying for the Soviet bloc. Hernu resigned in 1985 after being implicated in the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland. Live i/v with Lynne Terry.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS RANKIN MURDER - Police are winding up the inquiry, with Hayden Taylor in custody after pleading guilty to Nicola Rankin's murder. Live i/v with det senior sarg Mark Franklin. YOUTH JUSTICE - Kaitaia police have been training locals to patrol the streets after continued violence and harassment from a group of youths in the area. A public meeting was held by police recently and response was so strong police felt something must be done. Six boys have been arrested. Live i/v with community constable Brian Camplin. WINSTON PETERS - There's been a lot of talk about Winston Peters' informal coalition talks with Labour negotiator Mike Moore, late at night in a Wellington restaurant. But Peters is playing the incident down. He's i/v'd by Janice Rodenburg. POLITICAL BOOK - A guessing game is underway about who wrote a new book about NZ political life called 'The Spin' The author has chosen to stay anonymous, following the success of the anonymously-written US book 'Primary Colors' Live i/v with Janice Rodenburg, including exerpts of the book read by Simon Dickinson. FINANCE - money markets latest with David Jones.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER PARCEL BOMB - The bomb which exploded in a car yesterday injuring two people had been posted from Malaysia, bringing up questions of how a bomb was able to get through customs. Live i/v with custom border control manager Phil Chitty. SCHOOL TRUSTEES - The School Trustees Assn has just released a report saying boards can't continue to operate properly unless they get more money and training from the government. live i/v with caretaker ed minister wyatt Creech. PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES OSTRICHES - The Securities Commissionhas forced some ostrich investment ads to withdraw, saying they make misleading claims of profitability. Ostrich prices are plummetting in Australia, but the industry continues to thrive here. Wrap with Brian Bassett-Smith, Stuart Pederson and Pete Shannon. (Bronwen Evans) YOUTH SUICIDE - New Zealand's first conference on youth justice is being held today at Victoria Uni. Seven years ago laws were changed to put the emphasis on family conferences to find solutions and this is being looked at closely by other countries. Live i/v with principal youth court judge David Carruthers.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS COOK ISLANDS - Rumours are circulating in the Cooks about a possible Malaysian buy-out of government assets. Wrap with Norman George, Tap Pryor and Jason illegible (Bruce Hill) illegible/TV3 - CanWest have made a deal to buy Westpac's 50% share of TV3, to add to the 20% they already own. And they have an option to buy the remaining 30% Live i/v with CanWest's Jerry Noble and Alliance broadcasting spokesperson Pam Corkery, who opposes foreign ownership. HALLOWEEN - The World Wide Fund for Nature is taking advantage of Halloween to lauch its Bat Pack to schools, looking at NZ's native bats. Wrap from Al Morrison. GERMANY - Chancellor Helmut Kohl has become the longest-serving chancellor since the Second World War, being in power for 14 years. Correspondent slot with Geoff Rodoreda. FRUIT & VEG - with Jack Forsythe