Morning report. 1997-01-09

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Broadcast Date
09 Jan 1997
RNZ Collection

0700 NEWS KIWI INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES - police investigating collapse. Former chief exec Ewen Wilson, in UK, says he's been interviewed and maintains he has not fled illegible - i/ved live. CATARACT OPERATIONS - Health minister Bill English begins inquiry into why 130 operations cancelled in Southland before Christmas. Southern Health planned to use visiting Australian surgeon but he was denied temporary practice certificate because no NZ specialist would sign necessary documents. Comment from Ian Powell, Association of Salaried Medical Specialists, and Southern Health spokesperson David Graham. (Claire Silvester); live i/v with CH opthalmologist Dr Ken Tarr. RICHARD BRANSON's attempt to circle world in balloon comes to early end in Algeria. I/v with Virgin company spokesperson Jackie McQuillan about what went wrong. (Mng Rpt) FREIGHTER "Maasmond" drifiting in central Pacific Ocean with 290 people aboard. Engine room fire has crippled ship. (Stephen Hewson) WEATHER - CYCLONE DRENA might hit northern parts of North Island tomorrow. Met Service expects to issue warnings later today. Live i/v with chief forecaster Augie Auer.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS BABY MILK POWDER - several large multinational companies accused of violating international agreement on marketing of baby milk powder - Nestle, Nutrisha, illegible Johnson. Code prohibits free samples of formula being given to mothers, illegible inducements and stipulates infant milk formulas state breast milk is best for babies. Lola Nathaniel, Save The Children Fund, i/ved. (Mng Rpt) POLYNESIAN AIRLINES CRASH in Western Samoa kills NZ pilot Colin "Gus" Pyper and 2 others. NZ air accident inspectors expect to be asked to investigate crash. (Maria Slade) TREES - Fitzherbert Avenue plane trees have been felled, court appearances pending for protestors, and there are those who say there will be repercussions for City Council. Live i/v with Councillor Les Baty and with mayor Paul Rieger. MONARCHY - controversy rages after raucous debate on British television, with critics condemning show as little more than a circus. Viewers responded by supporting monarchy by 2 to 1. Live i/v with correspondent Keith Chalkley. FINANCE
0800 NEWS/WEATHER CATARACT OPERATIONS - live i/v with Health minister Bill English about cancellation of operations and subsequent inquiry. HEART ATTACK DRUGS - new US study reveals doctors reluctant to prescribe what are now understood to be very effective drugs - beta blockers - in helping to prevent repeat heart attacks. NZ situation may be similar - live i/v with Dr Harvey White, head of AK's Greenlane Hospital coronary care unit. PAPERS MāORI EDUCTION - Māori students staying at school longer, doing better and more going on to tertiary education but more are still doing worse than other pupils. Officials believe improvement is urgent. Comment from ministry's Tim McMahon, and Māori education consultant Tony Trinick. (Al Morrison); i/v with ACT list MP Donna Awatere-Huata who runs small total immersion school in Hawkes Bay. (Mng Rpt) RUSSIA - PRESIDENT YELTSIN's health again causing concern. Live i/v with correspondent James Coomaraswamy.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS POLICE COMPLAINTS AUTHORITY Sir John Jeffries to step down in June. Sir John says office needs more resources to keep up with rising number of complaints - i/ved. (Mng Rpt) ORCA WHALES - sighting of pod off Greymouth creates excitement; live i/v with Ingrid Visser, who's studying NZ Orca. PIZZA CHEESE - Dairy Board signs $40 million deal to supply cheese to world's largest pizza chain, Pizza Hut, creating 25 more jobs at NZ Dairy Group's new Litchfield site. I/v with Dairy Board manager Jim Bray. (Mng Rpt) WORLD ENVIRONMENT - UN report says there's been little improvement since Rio summit 5 years ago. Earth Council due to hold Rio Plus Five meeting in March. illegible Lessing)