Morning report. 1997-01-10.

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
10 Jan 1997
RNZ Collection
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Radich, Eva, Presenter
Frykberg, Eric, Editor
Walley, Allan, Producer
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0700 NEWS WEATHER - CYCLONE DRENA - Far North beginning to feel effects, with steady rain falling. Live i/v with Met Service chief forecaster Augie Auer; live i/v with illegible North District Council public safety manager, Alan Gamble, who's on the road assessing situation; AK Civil Defence and other emergency services on standby. Live report from Todd Niall; Northland motor camp owners watching second exodus of campers. Coromandel mayor Basil Morrison comments on financial cost to area. (Mng Rpt) KIWI INTERNATIONAL - Commerce ministry decides to lay charges relating to collapse of airline. Ministry solicitor Adam Feeley i/ved live. SERBIA - BELGRADE STREET PROTESTS show Zajedno movement had won election in city of Nis - fails to affect protests. I/v with correspondent Mary Anne Wood. (Mng Rpt) YACHT RESCUES - praise for Australian Navy in wake of 2 dramatic rescues of yachtsmen Thierry Dubois and Tony Bullimore in Southern Ocean but criticism of yacht race organisers who are told to acknowledge fact that long range rescues by warships are very expensive. (Mng Rpt)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS WEATHER - CYCLONE DRENA - Northland relatively quiet overnight. Live report from Jackie Kerr-Bell. APPLEFIELDS leases CH orchards to another company, Scales Corpn of CH, and illegible harvest will proceed. Applefields had intended to sell property for illegible Live i/v with chief exec Tom Cain. WESTERN SAMOA fatal plane crash - NZ air accident investigator expected to begin investigations into cause. Locals claim help may not have arrived as soon as it might have. (Maria Slade) RWANDA - WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL - court hearings begin in Tanzania but adjourn soon after. I/v with correspondent Martin Dawes. CHOIR - Summer School for Secondary Schools Choir. Audio of Michael Brewer, conductor of the British National Youth Choir, organiser and Hutt Valley High School teacher Roger Stevenson, and students. (Al Morrison) FINANCE
0800 NEWS/WEATHER WEATHER - CYCLONE DRENA _ heavy rain in Northland and Auckland. Severe wind warnings issued for Northland, Auckland, Coromandel Peninsula, Waikato, prompting many boaties to return home or seek shelter. Live i/v with AK Volunteer Coastguard general manager Michael Pate; hundreds of holidaymakers leave camping grounds. Live i/v with Ailsa Pope, manager of Waipu Cove ground. ISRAEL - TEL AVIV EXPLOSIONS - 6 people injured in blasts near central bus station. Live i/v with correspondent Robert Berger. PAPERS PERU - HOSTAGE CRISIS - hostages permitted to communicate with families and have spoken to reporters but are facing considerable psychological stress. (Nancy Marshall) WEATHER - CYCLONE DRENA - NORFOLK ISLAND residents relieved at being relatively unscathed. Live i/v with Ivan Buffett, chair of Emergency Management Committee. UNITED NATIONS - SECRETARY GENERAL Kofi Annan talks to demoralised UN staff, criticising those who believe slashing staff numbers is tantamount to reform. (Judy Lessing)
0830 NEWS/SPORTS WEATHER - HEAT - Central Otago temperatures have been above 30 degrees for past 4 days and local police want air conditioned Live i/v with Snr Sgt Brian Seymour. ACT N.Z. hires former NZ First staffer and candidate Rex Widerstrom to research his former colleagues. ACT leader Richard Prebble says work needed because NZ First MPs are erratic and remain a mystery. (Stephen Parker); NZ First cabinet minister, and former Labour MP, Jack Elder comments live. OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes. (Navy rescues of yachtsmen in Southern Ocean) WEATHER - CYCLONE DRENA - live updates from chief forecaster Augie Auer and whangarei reporter Jackie Kerr-Bell.