Morning report. 1997-01-29.

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Broadcast Date
29 Jan 1997
RNZ Collection
Hosking, Mike, Presenter
Radich, Eva, Presenter
Walley, Allan, Editor
Thomas, Gabriel, Producer
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 Headlines/News/Sports Bulletin/short weather forecast
0608 News in Māori
0614 Headlines/Paper Report
0618 Rural News illegible News Update
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: FINANCE TRANZRAIL announces half yearly profit of $24 million, up more than $5 million on same time last year. (Gyles Beckford) CONSUMER CONFIDENCE - latest Westpac Trust/McDermott Miller survey shows while consumers remain positive about economy over all, they're reluctant to spend. Comment from Westpac Trust chief economist Bevan Graham. (Maria Slade) INVESTMENT FUND - Tower Trust aims for younger, high income investors with launch of its 3rd passive-index tracking fund. TORTIZ-OZZY will give investors access to Australia's top companies in Kiwi dollars and units will be tradeable on NZ Stock Exchange. Comment from manager Peter Fredricson. (Mark Crysell) INDIA - ECONOMIC POLICY MEASURES to be announced this week. Sean Brown, Investment Bank HSBC in Delhi, says speculation rife re what might be announced. (Gyles Beckford) COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Australia's former Commissioner for Taxation, Trevor illegible, tells inquiry it's not tax dept's job to decide whether taxpayer is avoiding or evading tax and IRD was following good practice in simply feeding "winebox" documents into existing audits rather than conducting special inquiry. (Maria Slade) ANZ BANK will consider covering any costs incurred by customers following automatic payment glitch. Up to 5,000 ANZ and Postbank customers affected by error with stopped automatic payments coming out of customers' accounts. (Stephen Hewson) BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS AOTEAROA TELEVISION - day after announcement of extra funding causes controversy, 3 directors resign - John Tamihere, Pita Sharples, June Mariu. John Tamihere says they attended one board meeting 7 months ago, have not been contacted since, and do not want to become liable for any debts. Mr Tamihere i/ved live. NORTHLAND JUDGES - Robert Hesketh, one of judges accused of fiddling travel expenses, pleads guilty to fraud. Colleaue Martin Beattie has not yet entered plea and case is continuing. Northland District Law Society president Roger Bell says Hesketh's guilty pleas was helpful but his fall from grace has been tragic for all concerned. Mr Bell i/ved live. CHECHNYA - Aslan Maskhadov, Chechen leader who forced Russian troops out of territory, takes clear victory in presidential election. I/v with correspondent James Coomaraswami re fairness of election. (Mng Rpt) ELECTRICITY PRICES - Powerco chief exec Simon Mouter releases figures he says show 70% of household power charges go to govt via state-owned enterprises and if govt wants to see lower prices it will have to take less from power genertion and transmission. Consumer Affairs minister Robyn McDonald doesn't agree. comment also from Doug Matheson, Electricity Suppliers' Assn. (Clare Sziranyi) CRICKET - 1st test between NZ and England drawn, Century by Nathan Astle sees NZ escape from defeat. Live i/v with commentator Bryan Waddle and BBC's Jonathan Agnew.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS SOUTH AFRICA - STEVE BIKO - former security police officers confess to killing the leading black activist in 1977 in signed statement to Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Comment from lawyer Sydney Kentridge, who represented Biko family. I/v with correspondent Anthony Johnson. (Mng Rpt) CAR PRICES - strong dollar causes prices to tumble. Consumers Inst says prices now so low dealers can match price of used car and urges buyers to haggle. Car illegible say buyers won't get bargain on every make and model. Comment from LMVD spokesman Steve Downes, car dealers and buyer. (Karen Gregory-Hunt); LMVD denies glut on market but motoring writer Peter Gill says dealers having to work hard to convince buyers to invest in new car when purchase likely to turn up couple of years laters as a used import. He's i/ved live. BRITAIN - ELECTION - PM John Major meets cabinet to disucss strategy, declares he wants to stay in job to lead Tories to victory in May. Commentators openly discussing his possible removal from leadership. Live i/v with correspondent Des Fahy. FINANCE
0800 NEWS/WEATHER AOTEAROA TELEVISION - row over govt's decision to give extra $4 million in funding higlights divisions in way Mari see how nationwide television network should be set up and funded. Comment from HIwi Tauroa, chair of Te Managi Paho funding agency, and independent producers Nga Aho Whakarri, Derek Wooster, and Paora Maxwell. (Kent Caddick) NORTHLAND JUDGES - Robert Hesketh admits fraud charges against counsel's advice and resigns from bench. AK lawyer Kevin Ryan describes Hesketh as decent, honourable man but guilty plea wil affect public's confidence in judiciary. Mr illegible i/ved live. PAPERS MARRIAGE - latest statistics show fewer NZers marrying each year and those doing so are getting married at later age. (Leigh-Anne Wiig) MARIJUANA - some farmers concerned about risk to themselve, families, and property if they report dope growers when they discover marijuana plants on their land, sometimes planted in among crops. (Jill Galloway) GANG ATTACK - CH police believe up to 11 people involved in weekend attack on Black Power HQ which left 3 people in hospital with stab wounds. Reporter Tracy Lyall shown around crime scene by police - i/ved live.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS TEACHER SHORTAGE - is there one or not? Only 1 of govt's emergency pool of 40 teachers flown from Australia and South Island to AK, fed and accommodated at taxpayers' expense, was used yesterday. Will be week before Education ministry survey shows the size of any shortage. (Al Morrison) O J SIMPSON - jury in civil trial expected to retire later today. Simpson acquitted of killing ex-wife and her friend in criminal trial but victims' families want civil jury to find Simpson liable and award millions of dollars in damages. Live i/v with correspondent Richard Arnold. FISHERIES - row brewing between govt and industry over who pays for implementing new legislation and fisheries enforcement. (Eric Frykberg) WELLINGTON BYPASS - Transit NZ to proceed with controversial inner city bypass rather than more expensive covered motorway extension. Scheme opponents say it will destroy historic Te Aro area and damage environment. Live i/v with Campaign for a Better City spokesman Roland Sapsford and Transit's regional state highway manager David Rendall. SHEARING RECORD - Southland shearer Darrin Forde sets new record - 720 sheep in 9 hour day, despite having an upset stomach and cramp in forearms. Record is 4 more than 716 record set in 1995 by Dion Morrell. Darrin Forde i/ved live.