Morning report. 1997-03-11

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Broadcast Date
11 Mar 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: CYCLONE GAVIN - Fiji starts to count cost of damage. Preliminary reports put cost at nearly $3 million, nearly half of taro and tapioca crops lost in some areas. Comment form Tui Fagalele, Disaster Management Council. (Marguerite Fahy)
0626 SPORTS STORY: SUPER 12 rugby - i/v with commentator Graeme Moodie.
0636 NEWS STORY: MARITIME SAFETY RULES - yachtie Bill Sellars convicted of breaching section 21 by sailing from NZ without safety clearance plans, will appeal. Mr Sellars says regulations requiring foreign vessels to meet same requirements as NZ vessels breach international law and law of the sea. (Lois Williams)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: FINANCE EMPLOYMENT - ANZ Bank survey of job adverts points to continued soft scene over past year, shows rise of
0.5% in jobs advertised last month on previous month but fall of more than 5.5% over 12 month period. (Gyles Beckford) MONETARY POLICY - guarded analysts response to Reserve Bank suggestion it may adopt official cash rate range as key lever. Bancorp exec director Roger Kerr says he's against any change because existing system is working fine. (Mark Crysell) QANTAS plans to buy Air NZ's 50% stake in Australian-based travel company illegible, would give Qantas powerful stake in wholesale and retail industry and counter Ansett's expanding Travelland business. (Mark Crysell) RURAL LAND - Massey Univ report says prices already falling and will continue to do so over next 3 months. National Bank pointing to widening gap between incomes and land prices. Economist Kevin Wilson says many farmers have low or negative returns on equity, situation not sustainable. (Mark Crysell) VIETNAM - economic liberalisation policy put in question by remarks from Communist Party's general secretary Do Moi, has told party officials they should grasp opportunity to emphasise state's leading role in economy. BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS CYCLONE GAVIN - search for 10 missing fishermen from Fijian boat "Wasawasa" called off. Correspondent Shiu Singh says questions now asked about safety of vessel. He's i/ved live. CYCLONE JUSTIN hovering off Queensland coast, growing in intensity. Live i/v with Paul McAlonon, Queensland Disaster Co-ordination Centre. FRACAS - Speaker Doug Kidd expected to tell House today what he intends to do about complaints from Alliance leader Jim Anderton and ACT leader Richard prebble that Winston Peters breached Parliamentary privilege. Comment also from former PM and constitutional expert Sir Geoffrey Palmer (says there appears to be prima facie case). (Kathryn Street) WEDDEL - Appeal Court overturns High Court ruling that would have benefitted farmers who supplied stock to the failed meat company. Farmers will now have to join line of unsecured creditors. Weddel receiver Alan Isaac appealed case because he and Federated Farmers couldn't agree on what High Court ruling meant. I/v with Alan Isaac. (Mng Rpt) ALBANIA - REBELS INCREASE HOLD on south, seize town of Berat, vow not to surrender until President Berisha resigns. (BBC)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FINANCE update with Gyles Beckford. ROAD TOLL - latest figures showing 45% increase so far this year shock Land Transport Safety Authority. NZ police and Australian experts both say it's too soon to judge effectiveness of latest road safety campaign using graphic adverts. Comment also from Zane Kearns, Massey Univ. (Clare Sziranyi); live i/v with Asst Commissioner Phil Wright. EDUCATION SPENDING - revealed that $384 million marked for spending in next financial year will be considerably reduced. Govt's plans set back by Treasurer Winston Peters' demands for reduced spending. Comment from Mr Peters and Education minister Wyatt Creech. (Al Morrison) illegible NZ - Heart Fndn outraged that airline trying to lure Western Samoan travellers with complimentary $80 vouchers for Kentucky Fried Chicken with every ticket to NZ. Heart Fndn's Pacific Islands Heartbeat Programme co-ordinator Iutita Rusk says promotion undoes good work programme has done-she's i/ved live. Air NZ head office declines to comment. PAKISTAN - LANDMARK COURT DECISION frees woman who married without her father's permission to join her husband. Case viewed as precedent for whether women have legal autonomy in Islamic Pakistan and is being hotly debated in media. Live i/v with correspondent Zaffar Abbass.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER CYCLONE GAVIN - those living in Fiji's outlying rural areas appear to have been most severely affected. Live i/v with Lautoka mayor Milli Ah Tong. CYCLONE GAVIN - northern and eastern areas of North Island preparing for bad weather as cyclone heads for NZ. Live i/v with Bob Mcdavitt, Met Office. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS COOK ISLANDS economic crisis has forced many people to leave country. Last year, govt announced drastic measures to combat crisis. Comment from chief statistician Tangi Matua, indigenous Business Assn treasurer Mariana Hutchinson, and Tina Etchers, Teachers' Inst. (Elma MaUa) illegible FLOODS - more evacuations ordered along lower Ohio River as flooding continues to overwhelm central U.S. Thousands of people displaced in Kentucky and more have fled homes in Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia. Flooding blamed for 27 deaths and parts of 4 states declared disaster areas. I/v with Sheryl Case, WKRC TV Cincinatti. (Mng Rpt) SAUDI ARABIA - NURSES - lawyer representing 2 British nurses charged with murder says he'll ask Australian victim's family to waive death penalty, says lifting threat of pair being publicly beheaded would enable everyone to concentrate on the case. Lawyers and human rights campaigners in London say tactics are very risky. (Keith Chalkley)
0830 NEWS/SPORTS ILLEGAL HOME - Waitakere City Council reveals it found about a dozen workers living illegally in Henderson clothing factory last week and moved them out. Council and Fire Service says situation potentially life-threatening and there's concern other building owners allowing same thing. (Lisa Owen) WEDDEL - Peter Aiken, chair of Fed Farmers' Northland meat and wool section, says cattle supplied to failed meat company Weddel have effectively been stolen, now Appeal Court has overturned High Court decision. He's i/ved live. SOMALI COMMUNITY concerned and scared after racial attacks in CH, latest being early morning attack on family's house with 3 men with baseball bats. Nationalist group blames violence on "inevitable conflict" between vastly different cultures. Comment from refugee Zahra Yusef, Det Insp John Doyle, Jeff McIntyre of New Way Trust, and National Destiny Movement's Ray Warrington. (Leigh-Anne Wiig. DAVID HELFGOTT - live i/v with Richard Dyer, music reviewer of "Boston Globe" whose review of Helfgott's concert questioned whether he should be performing in a concert and whether audience should be there. MARITIME SAFETY - yachtie convicted of breaching NZ rules by sailing from Opua to Noumea in 1995 without safety clearance plans to appeal. Bill Sellars says he objects to new law which requires foreign yachties to meet same requirements as NZ yachties - he's i/ved live; live i/v with Maritime safety Authority director Russell Kilvington. CRICKET - NZ team scores innings victory for first time since 1985, finish off Sri Laka inside 4 days, winning by an innings and 36 runs. Live i/v with coach Steve Rixon.